TC BOE Hires Scott Wall as Head Girls Basketball Coach
The Tyler County Board of Education met in regular session on September 3, 2024, at the board office in Middlebourne. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were President Katrina Byers, Vice President Larry Thomas, Andy Shreves, Scott Strode and Diana Stender. Superintendent Shane Highley was also present. Others attending were Stacey Roberts, Executive Secretary; Paden Morris, Principal of TCHS; Mark Winters, Principal of TCMS; Amanda Kimble, Director of Child Nutrition, J.C. Kimble, Wetzel Tech Administrator; Julie Bolin, with the WVU Extension Office; Chris Metz and Randy Rutherford from the Tyler Star News.
The Board approved the minutes of the August 19, 2024, regular meeting.
Julie Bolin, from the WVU Tyler County Extension Service, presented the idea of installing a Free Library Box at the entrance of the Board Office parking lot. There is currently a Free Food Box located there. Tyler County 4-H will donate the box for the shareable library. The board approved the request.
J.C. Kimble, Director of the Wetzel County Tech Center, highlighted the courses available to TCHS students through the Wetzel County Tech Center. Mr. Kimble emphasized participating students were very excited with the opportunities presented from the available courses . There are currently seven Tyler County students that are taking part. Courses include: Welding – two year program, Electrical – two year program, Health Sciences – one to three year program in conjunction with Marshall University where students can earn college credits, Drafting – one year program, Robotics/Drones – one year program, ProStart which is a Restaurant Management/Culinary class – one year program, Baking & Pastry – one year program and Grow Your Own – two year program in conjunction with Glenville State University where students can earn college credits towards a degree in Education.
On a motion made by Larry Thomas, seconded by Andy Shreves, with a 5-0 vote, the Board went into Executive Session at 7:22 p.m. regarding Student Control #08-27-24 under Item 3, as per the School Laws of WV 6-9A-4, “The disciplining, suspension or expulsion of any student in any public school or public college or university, unless such student requests an open meeting.” The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:33 p.m. on a motion made by Larry Thomas, seconded by Scott Strode with a 5-0 vote. The Superintendent’s recommendation following the Executive Session was a 365-day expulsion of Student Control #08-27-24.
Mr. Highley went over Bus Incident Procedures and Policy with the board members. A policy was drafted and sent to the bus drivers for their review and suggestions for any changes. Mr. Highley agreed with the board members that the drivers’ input would be beneficial.
Mr. Highley then shared how the beginning of the 2024-25 school year was going to date. He informed the Board that the first day is just about introductions, feeding the students lunch and getting them home safely. At this point in the year, teachers are incorporating diagnostics testing. Mr. Highley also shared with the Board that they provided a Suicide Prevention presentation led by Michelle Toman at TCMS/HS. A discussion was held that incorporated the subject of bullying. Mr. Highley reported that this went very well.
Mr. Highley noted the progress of all the projects in the county at this time. They are finishing up the flooring project at TCHS. They are awaiting deliveries of steel for the project in the back of the building at TCHS. He also stated that the middle school and high school are coordinating the use of the gyms very well. The gyms should be functional by basketball season.
The board approved the schedules for TCMS Girls Basketball 2024-25, TCHS Baseball 2024-25 and the TCMS Basketball 2024-25.
The board then approved the following personnel requests. Suzette Miller, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, requested approval for Tyler County Schools to agree to a Memorandum of Understanding with West Virginia University that allows Tyler County to partner in the M3T project to share Math teaching improvements to help support participating math teachers across the state. Melinda Walton, Director of Special Education, requested permission to contract with Carol Zombotti, Speech Language Pathologist/BCBA, to observe and provide guidance to assist with incoming students with significant behaviors.
The board then approved the following other requests. Doug Long requested permission for The Main Street Cruisers to use all the parking lots and the Softball bathrooms at TCHS for a car show on May 4, 2025, with a rain date of May 18, 2025. The organization will be totally responsible for clean-up. Megan Glover has agreed to oversee the event. John Perkey requested permission to use the blacktop area of the TCHS football stadium to sell Bandarama T-shirts for the Oil and Gas Festival Band Competition on September 14, 2024. John Perkey will be completely responsible for the clean-up of his small area. Matt Jennings has agreed to over-see the event. John Church requested permission to use the TCHS football stadium to set up the Kona Ice truck for the Oil and Gas Festival Band Competition on September 14, 2024. The organization will be completely responsible for the clean-up of his small area. Mandy Fetty has agreed to over-see the event.
Next, Madison Meadows requested permission for Mia Meadows to cross county lines to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2024-25 school year. Abigail Brady, an Education student at WVU-P, is requesting field placement at Tyler County Schools this semester.
The board approved the resignation of Lyndsay Baker from her position as Substitute Aide for the 2024-2025 school year, effective Friday July 5, 2024, and Madison Meadows from her position as Social Studies Fair Coordinator at AIB, effective immediately.
The board approved the transfer of Valerie Northcraft from her position as Secretary at TCMS to Secretary/Accountant at the Bus Garage, effective immediately and Debra Doig from her position as Third Grade Teacher at AIB to Sixth Grade Teacher at TCMS, effective the 2025-2026 school year.
The board approved the employment of Linda Lowther as Custodian III at TCHS, effective immediately, Scott Wall as Head Girls Basketball Coach at TCHS, effective immediately, Mikala Shamblen and Anna Griffith as Substitute Teachers, pending CBI and Mamie Blatt as Substitute Custodian, effective immediately.
On a motion made by Larry Thomas, seconded by Andy Shreves with a 5-0 vote, the Board went into Executive Session at 8:04 p.m. under Item 2, as per the School Laws of WV 6-9A-4, “The appointment, employment, retirement, promotion, demotion, disciplining, resignation, discharge, dismissal or compensation of any public officer or employee, or other personnel matters, or for the purpose of conducting a hearing on a complaint against a public officer or employee, unless such public officer or employee requests an open meeting.” The Board came out of Executive Session at 8:18 p.m. on a motion made by Scott Strode, seconded by Diana Stender with a 5-0 vote. There was no announcement following the executive session.
The Board approved the payment of bills. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m. The next Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Tyler County Board of Education Office located on Dodd Street in Middlebourne.