From Jessica Swofford
To the Editor:
I coached the 4th grade girls Sistersville Youth League basketball team this year and would like to thank Vance Ash for his part in all the improvements at the community gym. We had practice schedules, concessions, clean restrooms, and sponsored two great tournaments for the teams. I’m aware of all the complaints by parents (including myself) from last season and am thrilled that for the concerns that were taken care of. Congratulations to the girls for winning two first place trophies!
Recently my seven year old son was hospitalized at Sistersville General Hospital with pneumonia. We could not have asked for a more caring staff! His nurses and doctors were attentive and informative. He has even named a rubber lizard that he received while in the hospital “Bantug.” As circumstance would have it, his father was also scheduled for knee surgery the very same week. Completely worn down from lack of sleep and my incessant worrying, coming home from the hospital with my two patients as well as two other young children to look after was all but something to look forward to. I am so thankful for my special friends the members of the Sistersville First United Methodist Young Women In Faith. These ladies brought home cooked dinners to our house each night for a week. With three children to care for and Erick on crutches, this was such a blessing to me personally. I love you girls! Thank you!
As a teenager I couldn’t wait to move away from Sistersville; as an adult, I couldn’t have made a better decision than to move back “home.” My neighborhood is placid and filled with loving friends, and my church family is supportive and prayerful, My children are happy, safe, and well educated. Their teachers keep me updated on more than just their academics. I know when they have accomplished a creative project, had an embarassing moment, and when they’ve developed a crush on another student. My son’s first grade class even sent him homemade “Get Well” cards while he was in the hospital.
We all complain about our jobs and the cost of living, but how do you put a price on living somewhere safe, clean, and full of loving citizens. Thank you God for the City of Sistersville – a place my family and I call “Home.”
Jessica Swofford