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Editorial March 9, 2022

By Ed Parsons - Editor | Mar 10, 2022

The best way to make someone behave is to take something from them. Physical harm, destruction of property, all out war or invasions never has been the best choice and never will be. As children growing up the worse form of punishment was always having something you valued taken from you. Whether it was your allowance, your time (grounded), removed from a team or any other deterrent to keep you in line.

Fighting has always been frowned on. As kids we were taught to defend ourselves, but not to be bullies. And if we did there was always a price to pay. Most of the time who got your rear end paddled, but sometimes it was alienenation from the rest of the kids, left out as a loner.

Positive punishment is adding something to the mix that will result in an unpleasant consequence. The goal is to decrease the likelihood that the unwanted behavior will happen again in the future. It’s a form of behavior modification, many have used it over the years to quell their enemies and bring about reform. But in all out war it’s unlikely positive punishment like sanctions will work. Especially against a power grabbying tyrant bent on bullying his way to total control, while killing innocent kids and elderly people who are unable to defend themselves.

Punishment for those type of crimes call for negative punishment. The system works nearly the same as all forms of punishment, the lesser the offense the lesser the punishment, the stonger offenses require harsher punishment, with much more unpleasant consequences. All actions have consequences, but crimes against humanity cry out for stiff penalties, sometimes you must fight fire with fire! It’s just a natural thing to alter bad behavior.

Most people can relate to growing up and seeing young kids or weaker ones being picked on. But when you saw someone beating up your friend or little brother you went to their aid and helped them fight. That’s where we’re at now. We can impose all the sanctions in the world , and know they hurt, but if the fighting and criminal acts continue, we must step in and help the defenseless, and less powerful, we must come to the aid of those who can’t fight back.

As a nation we can help the Ukrainian’s in many ways. First we must stop importing oil and gas from Russia, and hope other countries follow suit. We must not be weak or weak minded. Turning the other cheek will not work in this war, we must fight back through sactions, monetary aid, stopping our trade with Russia, providing equipment and using our Military as a deterrent. It has come to the point where talk is useless and negotiations no longer exist.

We are watching as Ukraines neighboring countries provide refuge, including food, medicine and shelter. They are doing what good neighbors do, and that’s great but it’s not enough.

West Virginia U.S. Senator Joe Manchin said last week that the federal government and the private sector need to put politics aside and invest in our energy independence, he said working together with our allies, we can put an end to Putin’s ability to weaponize energy against Ukraine and our NATO allies.

“I’m begging the major producers to make sure that the American people understand we’re going to shut off all fossil energy coming from Russia to the United States. We should do that to support the Ukrainians and to support the rest of the world so we don’t bankroll Putin’s wars,” Manchin said.

He’s right, but we now need to do more. We need to step up strong, along with all the other NATO nations and provide the necessary relief. We, the most powerful nation on earth should lay down our differences and rise up to the challenge in front of us. We don’t have time to waste. We need to act now and put an end to this un-Godly act of aggression.