Friendly News
As I write this , it is Sunday night and Roger just informed me that we start our weekly chores again. Yep it is his turn to take out the garbage and I get to feed the dog. I am so thankful that he is willing to help and together we try to make the best of it. We have canned all week and just finished up another 149 ears of corn. As I said, we have kids and grandkids that love vegetables so oh what a blessing. I have found that Roger will not core the tomatoes, he tried several years ago and it was a wonder we had any tomatoes after he got done, so I get to do that chore. Life just seems so much healthier, happier and better when we work together.
Since Rog is on so much blood thinner for the clots, I take over when it comes to hanging curtains, cleaning the lights and things that he is not supposed to do. I do the chores like that. But while I am on the ladder, he stands right behind me.
Chores I feel should be handled together and we try to do that. Now there are some that he would rather not do and he makes me aware of those so we work out a solution. Just like us going to so many doctors. We decide that I will drive but he will travel along just in case I need him or he needs me.
He told me that over the years it finally sunk in that life is better together.
As we age and our strength wanes, once simple chores like changing light bulbs become more difficult. So be thankful while you are still able to help each other with your chores..
Remember things are better……together.
Always watch for opportunities to help your spouse with chores, especially those that become more challenging as you grow old together.
Please be in prayer and help a family who lost a home and possessions. If you can help please see the list that Melanie Winters placed on the computer of things they need. Any help will be so appreciated . Help us be a community that cares.
My Get-well Wishes and Prayers are sent to…….Jayden Pratt, Axl Hayes, Dutton Chickick, Rachel Johnston, Wesley Wayne, Willow Gay, Loretta Underwood, Pam Stanley, Tracy Cornell, Pat Eddy, Donna Johnson, Debbie and Richard Martin, Fred and Virginia Busch,Jim and Deloros Batson, Carol and Randy Stout, Richard and Paula Carroll, Frank and Patty Trader, Mark and Diane Kinnard , Ken and Linda Stead, Helen and Denny Reed, Gary and Karen Lancaster, John and Sue Pribble, Don and Kitty Smith, Naomi Keith, Robyn Jones, Bill Williamson, Sharon LeMasters, Brian Morgan, Darla Steele, D.D. Kinnard, Carolyn Boston, Marsha Rowley, Norma Eckard, Sharon Bowen, Debbie Hess, Pete Hagee, Lois Spencer, Larry Hayes, terry Cooper, Ethel Goff, Shirley Wilkinson Irene Boop Logan Kehrer, Bil Hamilton, Bonnie Doty, Judy Light, Frances Wilkinson, Larry Spencer, Lynn VanCamp, Kim Binegar, Mamie Blatt, Deana Brown, Phyllis Wilkinson, Willie Spencer, Patty Smith, Michelle Burkhardt, Ilene Scharbrough, Jill Sammons, Tom Martin, Jackie Talhammer, Holly Hubbard, Lana Wise, Dorothy Lockett, Sara Eller, Matt Hammel, Victor Williamson, Joyce Eddy, Maxine Ankrom, Thelma Christopher, Gail Howard, Judy Cooper, Alta Donahue, Landis Spencer, Dorothy McPeek,, Bob Boston, Donna Scott, Jerry Stoneking, Betty McCoy, Robin Stutter, Sue Baker, Doris Haught, Hazel Morris, Brenda Placer, Dean Ash, Mark Wood, Phyllis Wilkinson,
My Friendly Hello is sent to Buddy and Rhonda Fiest
My Angel Award goes to Tracy and Jay Cornell.
The Thought for the week is,…….Smart people speak from experience – smarter people from experience, don’t speak.
…..he who restrains his lips is wise. Proverbs 10:19
Through Jesus Christ I Am, Susan