Friendly Ways & Byways
Last week I was trying to make out the menu (that I rarely keep) for the week so that it will interfere with all my canning. I pointed out to Roger that I could tell him what we had for dinner 5 years ago on this date. As I have said, I journal and after I complete my journaling, I write what I cooked that day . Crazy but funny too.
A growing number of people are finding that journaling makes life less complicated and helps to bring abundance. Here is how it can become a simple pleasure for you .
First …Use your journal to become your journey. Record those moments when joyful things happen. Maybe you changed an unwanted habit or maybe a day that the Lord spoke to your heart.
Now bring order to your days with a journal. Our stress is due to disorganization. You know the word “ordinary” from the word “order”. When you begin to really notice the ordinary events of life, you are creating order out of chaos of everyday experience. There is something about writing it down that brings understanding, especially when you revisit your journal months or years later. It is like the backside of a piece . At first glance it appears to be a tangle of threads and colors. But turn it over and examine it and you discover the exquisite pattern that stitch by stitch has emerged.
Next…Don’t strive for perfection . This begins with selecting a journaling method that works for you. If a composition notebook or a computer is more to your liking don’t feel compelled to purchase a fancy journal. The same goes for a pen. Get one that fits your hand. Make sure it feels right. I write something every day but you do not have to write every day. Let the words flow from you to the journal and if you misspell a word just let it ride. If you worry about being “proper”, you will shut down your enthusiasm for journaling.
Don’t be afraid that you don’t have anything to say. In these , it’s easy to forget that each of us is like any other person who has . If life (and The Lord) speaks to you through the seasons of your garden or through preparing meals for your family, tell it to your journal. There are profound lessons in everyday-ness of our lives, if we will only listen.
As journaling becomes a habit and friend, you’ll find it records your growth and maturity toward goodness as God works in your life, And that will encourage you to grow even more.
So, what did you have for dinner on July 28th, 2019 ?
My sympathy also to Doug Wise and family with the passing of Doug’s mom. What a wonderful lady she was. Mrs. Wise you will always be remembered as a special lady.
We are Thanking God for all these showers. We desperately needed them for our gardens. We call them wet showers and showers of blessings.
My Get well Wishes and prayers are sent to….. Jayden Pratt, Axl Hayes, Rachel Johnston, Dutton Chickick, Wesley Wayne, Willow Gay, Lana Wise, Diane Kinnard, Thelma Christopher, Pat Eddy, Naomi Keith, Robyn Jones, Richard and Paula Carroll, Jim and Deloros Batson, Frank and Patty Trader, Fred and Virginia Busch, Carol and Randy Stout, Larry Hayes, Shirley Wilkinson, Maxine Ankrom, Pete Hagee, Jackie Talhammer, Carolyn Boxton, Mark Kinnard, Bill Williamson, Sharon LeMasters, Gary and Karen Lancaster, Brian Morgan, Diane Kinnard (DD) Jay Cornell, Darla Steele, Mamie Blatt, Deana Brown, Robin Stutter, Marsha Rowley, Norma Eckard, Bob Boston, Pam Stanley, Donna Johnson, Alta Donahue, Mike Morton , Bill Hamilton, Tom Carson, Judy Light, Hazel Morris, Dorothy McPeek, Frances Wilkinson, Michelle Burkhardt, Debbie Martin, Gary Spencer, Phyllis Wilkinson, Ethel Goff, Tom Martin, Don and Kitty Smith, Lois Spencer, Helen and Denny Reed. Ken and Linda Stead, Terry Cooper, Irene Boop, Ilene Scharbrough, Loretta Underwood, Sharon Bowen, Bonnie Doty, Gail Howard, Judy Cooper, Joyce Eddy, Victor Williamson, Dorothy Lockett, Matt Hammel, Holly Hbbard, Jill Sammons, Lynn VanCamp, Patty Smith, Donna Scott, Jerry Stoneking, Kim Binegar, Betty McCoy, Sue Baker, Brenda Placer. Ray Cooper, Richard Martin. Gale Grimm
My Friendly Hello is sent to….. Virginia Kasen
My Angel Award is sent to…..Sandy Whaley….
The Thought for the week is………Morality may keep you out of jail, but it takes the blood of Jesus Christ to keep you out of hell.
Through Jesus Christ I Am, Susan