Tyler County Commission Names Officers for 2025
The Tyler County Commission met in the auditorium of the Senior Center in Middlebourne on Tuesday, January 14th. The commissioners approved the nomination of new officers. Approved as President of the Commission for 2025 was Eric Vincent, and Lance Hickman was confirmed to serve as Vice President.
Next the minutes from the December 30, 2024 meeting were approved along with the Fiduciary Report from Neil A. Archer II and the Exonerations from Assessor Lisa Jackson.
The Prosecuting Attorney’s office then asked for approval to hire Sheena Steele as a file clerk. Her duties will also include answering the phones when others are in court. The position is part time working two days per week. Commissioners approved the hire.
Jesse Blacker, Security Guard at the Judicial Building, asked for approval to upgrade the current camera system in the building. He stated that although there is nothing wrong with the cameras, their coverage area is very limited. In many cases the cameras could not record any activity outside of the building. Jesse reported that recently two incidents occurred outside, and when deputies tried to review security tape nothing was recorded. Efforts to contact the original installers, ERB Electric, did not produce results to correct the problem. Mr. Blacker then contacted Elite Security requesting adjustment of the cameras and additional instruction for the guards. He also requested guard training to troubleshoot problems in the future. Cost to make these upgrades and comply with a recommendation to replace the switches that cannot handle the current load on the cameras came in at $13,763.18. The commissioners all agreed that the cameras were vital to capture any activity in and out of the building and approved the request.
Commissioners then appointed committee assignments for 2025. Extension Service Committee – Eric Vincent; Economic Development & Planning Commission – Mike Smith; Elections – All Three Commissioners; Libraries – Mike Smith; 911 – Eric Vincent; Homeland Security & OEM – Mike Smith; Little Kanawha RC&D – Eric Vincent; MOVRC – Lance Hickman; Animal Control – Eric Vincent; Senior Citizens & Nutrition – Lance Hickman; Workforce Investment Board – Lance Hickman; Americans with Disabilities Act Committee – Eric Vincent; Court Security – Mike Smith; Tyler County Public Service District – Mike Smith; Tyler County Youth Camp – Lance Hickman; LEPC – Mike Smith; Budget & Finance Committee – All Three Commissioners; Wetzel/Tyler Health Department – Eric Vincent.
The commissioners then approved canceling the contract with Camel Technologies for the camera monitoring system in the Prosecuting Attorney Office and the Courthouse. They have stopped working and a new system will be installed in both locations once the Courthouse renovations are complete.
E-911 Director asked for approval to purchase a side-by-side snow removal vehicle. He went on to say that purchasing the vehicle is more cost effective than hiring outside snow removal companies. Commissioners tabled the request until Josh could secure additional quotes for the side by side.
Next, Adrianna Lindsey with THA Realty approached the Commission regarding the final pricing for both the Todd property and Sinclair property. Both lots are adjacent to the courthouse and will allow for additional parking, such as handicap spaces and potentially allow for courthouse expansion if it becomes necessary. Commissioners approved the purchase of the Todd property for $50,000. The current asking price for the Sinclair property is $60,000. The Commission countered with an offer of $50,000. Adrianna said the Sinclair owners were willing to negotiate the pricing, and she would contact them with the offer. Commissioners tabled the purchase of the Sinclair property until a decision on the counteroffer was made.
Commissioner Mike Smith asked for approval of the EMS Legal Plan from Toriseva Law. Commissioners approved the plan.
Commissioner Mike Smith then led a discussion regarding the Courthouse closing and compensation policy. He stated that the current policy is old and needs to be updated to define the protocols regarding the management of emergency conditions that impact the safety and welfare of judicial branch officials, employees and the public. Cases such as bad weather or other hazardous or emergency conditions will be defined so that all employees will be on the same page and know how they will be compensated during the closure.
There was no one present for Public Comment and following the approval to pay the bills the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM. The next meeting of the Tyler County Commission is scheduled for January 28, 2025 at 9:00 AM in the auditorium of the Senior Center in Middlebourne.