Sistersville Council Hears Plans for Community Garden
The Sistersville City Council met in regular session on Monday, January 13th at the City Building in Sistersville. Following the approval of the agenda, council approved the minutes from the December 9, 2024 meeting and reviewed and gave approval to pay the bills.
Under Department Head Reports, Jason Rice announced that he would be leaving his position as Water and Sewer Superintendent to start a job with Covestro in mid-February. He would be available to help in the transition until the city is able to fill his position. Jason has been with the city in charge of the sewer and water plant for 10 years and will be greatly missed.
Mayor Bill Rice talked to the council members regarding the need for a sewer camera. He stated that the camera would help the city workers find any blockage and make it easier to unplug the lines. The estimated cost for the camera is between $25,000 and $50,000. Mayor Rice will look into securing quotes for the council to discuss at the next meeting.
Jill Ash from the FRN (Family Resource Network) was up next discussing the Sistersville Community Garden which is located behind the swimming pool at the start of the walking trail in Sistersville City Park. The first year of the garden in 2024 was very successful with many area residents taking advantage of the free crops that were grown. Jill explained the goals of the garden were to increase access to fresh healthy foods, promote community engagement, educate & inspire, beautify & revitalize public spaces, foster environmental stewardship, strengthen community resilience and expand opportunities for growth.
Jill was on hand to ask for the council’s help for a closer water source, add a bench, add additional space to enlarge the garden, and approve the addition of a small tool shed. Jill also requested the council’s approval to establish a work schedule for youth workers from various organizations and approval to plant fruit trees. Jill announced that they have received a $7000 grant to support the purchase of items needed to achieve their goals. The council approved the program, and the city agreed to assist with any proposed projects.
New River Engineers were present to present the revised facility plan for the sewer plant and Virginia Terrace sewer expansion project. Total cost for both projects is roughly $10.5 million with grant money expected to help offset the costs. The wastewater systems improvement project is the first priority at a cost of $7.5 million. The existing wastewater collection system has generally been in compliance with the NPDES permit. However, continued compliance is becoming more difficult as the equipment continues to suffer from age-related failures. The proposed improvements include improvements to the existing wastewater treatment plant and four pump stations. The sanitary sewer line extension project would serve 45 potential customers on Virginia Terrace. The Virginia Terrace area is currently unsewered except for the elementary school. The houses in the area currently rely on failing septic systems for wastewater disposal. Cost for the line extension is roughly $3.5 million.
Council approved the Planning Commission using funds to pay the winners of the Christmas house decorating contest.
Council then discussed the surplus of police vehicles. Mayor Rice explained that the radios must be pulled from the vehicles and the city must maintain a clear title for the surplus cars before they can be sold or donated.
Charles Winslow was present to ask for permission to locate a storage bin on his parking lot across from the Wells Inn. Mr. Winslow is planning on tearing down the back portion of the hotel, which used to house the swimming pool, and needs the container for the materials from the demolition. One suggestion was that he wait for warmer weather to start the demolition preferably in June.
Following this discussion the council went into Executive Session to discuss personnel. There was no announcement following the session.
Under Public Forum, councilman Tommy Gray suggested the city hold an Appreciation Day for all our city workers in acknowledgment of the amount of work they have put in over the last year dealing mainly with water leaks. Council will set a day to hold the Appreciation Day at a later date.
Following the Public Forum the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. The next meeting of the Sistersville City Council will be held on February 10, 2025 beginning at 7:00 PM in the city building.