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Co-Op Approved in Pine Grove

By Storm Young - Staff Writer | Sep 19, 2024

On September 10, 2024 the monthly Pine Grove City Council Meeting was held at 7pm at the Robert C. Byrd Center. All members were present other than Aaron Wilcox.

Starting with the reading of minutes from the previous minutes by Sandi Hurst, the minutes and financial report from the previous period were approved. Also following a motion and second all bills were approved as disclosed.

Then Mayor Chuck Roberts entertained a motion to have the library pay their own bills; it was seconded and unanimously approved by all council in attendance.

It was announced that a community co-op program will be held at the Byrd Center and will be run by Mayor Roberts. It is hoped that the different events that will be held at the center will help bring the community together. This program was officially approved and the lease was signed. Classes will include art, music, cooking classes, foreign language, homeschooling events, workout classes, and more. If anyone is interested in hosting a class at the center, please contact Chuck Roberts for further information and for booking an event at the center.

The council then addressed the issue of new items being needed at the Byrd Center. Such as items for the kitchen, tables, new doorknobs, and other upkeep or repairs that may be needed. Council approved getting the necessary items needed. Sandi Hurst will be in-charge of finding and purchasing these items.

Melissa Yoho has been reporting on the street lights that are not working around the town. She has been sending the list to MonPower to try and get them to come and fix the lights.

David Palmer who is in charge of water issues stated, “I know everyone saw the issues we had with the water. Those have now been addressed and taken care of.” He also explained that the water treatment plant is running well. The council also wants to say thank you to everyone who donated water when the plant was not running.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Pine Grove Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Byrd Center.