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Sistersville High School Alumni Making Plans for Celebration

By Randy Rutherford - Staff Writer | Mar 2, 2022

Sistersville High School Alumni Association continues to make plans for the highly awaited 2022 alumni weekend, “Game On” scheduled for Memorial Day weekend, May 27th and 28th. Due to strong interest, the decision has been made to open Chapel Speakers up to all decade and five-year classes that should have celebrated during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Also included are this year’s 2022 alumni and the senior class of Tyler Consolidated High School. “There is a limit of time and space, so we will only schedule for 10 speakers, which will be awarded on a first come, first served basis,” explained this year’s alumni president Jamie Hissam. Anyone interested must contact Darlene Henderson at 304-771-4318 or 304-758-4316. The deadline is April 15th.

All years of alumni are also invited to participate in the annual parade. Classes from Tyler Consolidated are also encouraged to join in! Any questions or to request a packet, please contact MaryAnn Rutherford at 616-502-8323.

Jamie went on to say, “We are expecting a larger crowd due to previous years being canceled. There will be a limit of guests for the luncheon to 150 and for the banquet 250. Tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis as well.” Those wishing to purchase tickets may do so at Bell Chevrolet, Union Bank, or by contacting an alumni officer. Out of town alumni may mail a check to SHSAA, PO Box 81, Sistersville WV 26175. (If mailing a check please include a note indicating which tickets you are purchasing.)

Ticket prices are $10 per person for Friday’s luncheon and $20 per person for Saturday’s banquet.

Jamie also shared folks should continue to watch social media and local papers for updates! “We are all looking forward to an amazing alumni weekend!!”