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Sports Briefs

By Staff | Aug 3, 2011

Cheerleading camp to be held Aug. 3-5

The Tyler Consolidate High School varsity cheerleaders are hosting the 2011 Knight’s Spirit Camp August 3-5, from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Campers will learn a floor cheer and dance, sidelines, tumbling, and stunts. All campers will be provided with a camp tee shirt and lunch, and will be invited to cheer prior to the first home football game, Sept. 2.

Pre-registration by July 24 is requested, but there will be registration from 8:30-9 a.m. August 3. Cost of camp is $30.

Send payment with child’s name, parent’s name, child’s age, and t-shirt size to Stefanie Starcher, 108 E. Adams St., Paden City, WV 26159. Make checks payable to TCHS cheerleaders.

Golf tournament set, hole sponsors sought

The Sistersville General Hospital Foundation’s annual benefit golf scramble will be held Sept. 22 at the Sistersville Country Club.

Registration will begin at 9 a.m., with a shotgun start at 10 a.m.

This is the major fundraiser for the Foundation. Yet this event would not be possible without the generosity and support of not only the local community, but all who believe in SGH and its importance to people who otherwise would be lacking in healthcare.

SGH is in need of 18 hole sponsorships ($150), hole prizes door prizes and general sponsorships.

For additional information, contact Diana Rice at 304-447-2454 or at drice@sistersvillegeneral.com.

Volleyball try-outs set for Aug. 9-10

Tryouts for the Tyler Consolidated High School Volleyball Team will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 9 and 10, from 6-8 p.m. each day.

Prospective players must have their completed physical forms and must have appropriate volleyball attire.

Any questions should be directed to Coach Richard Summers at 304-652-1584.

Golf scramble planned

The Courtney Evans Memorial Scholarship Fund will again be sponsoring a Golf Scramble on Aug. 7.

The event will be held at the Mingo Bottom Golf Course in Elizabeth, WV. Registration is at 11 a.m. and a shot gun start will begin at 1 p.m. Pre-registration is highly encouraged.

This year’s event will be offering a Mega Raffle, Mulligans, 50/50 Drawing and a Skins Game. Hole sponsors are still available. A full sponsorship is $100 and a half sponsorship is $50. There is a $50 per person entry fee. Please get a team together to be a part of this fun-filled event.

This scholarship is in memory of Courtney Evans, who graduated from Tyler Consolidated High School in 1995. Courtney was one of the valley’s finest athletes. Each year one senior athlete boy or girl, from Tyler Consolidated High School who plays a spring sport and who will be attending a college/university, is eligible for the scholarship.

For information or for pre-registration, contact Terry Nichols at 304-991-1416.