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Sports Briefs

By Staff | Jul 27, 2011

Paden City cheer camp upcoming

Paden City cheer camp will be held August 1-3 from 9-11 a.m. at the old Paden City Middle School gym. Cost is $25.

Please contact Rachel Stoneking at 304-834-8611 to register.

Cheerleading camp

to be held Aug. 3-5

The Tyler Consolidate High School varsity cheerleaders are hosting the 2011 Knight’s Spirit Camp August 3-5, from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Ages four and above are welcome!

Campers will learn a floor cheer and dance, sidelines, tumbling, and stunts. All campers will be provided with a camp tee shirt and lunch, and will be invited to cheer prior to the first home football game, Sept. 2.

Pre-registration by July 24 is requested, but there will be registration from 8:30-9 a.m. August 3. Cost of camp is $30.

Send payment with child’s name, parent’s name, child’s age, and t-shirt size to Stefanie Starcher, 108 E. Adams St., Paden City, WV 26159. Make checks payable to TCHS cheerleaders.

5K will benefit set

A benefit 5K walk-run will be held Saturday, July 30, to raise funds for Amanda Bonner-Brown, who is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Check in time is 8:30 a.m. at the Tyler County Courthouse. Entry fee is $15, which includes purchase of a T-shirt. Make checks payable to LREFCU.

The goal of the benefit is to raise as much money as possible for Bonner -Brown to help with medical expenses, so awards will be limited. The course is not difficult but does include a few hills. Tyler County Courthouse is designated for the start/finish point. Participants will walk the loop of Gorrells Run Road, as well as streets in Middlebourne. Refreshments will be available at the finish line.

If you do not wish to walk-run, but would like to purchase a t-shirt, cost is $12.

For information about the benefit, or to obtain a registration form, contact Melinda Walton, 304-758-2246, or Tracy Smith, 304-758-0126.

Mail checks to: Melinda Walton, Rt. 1, Box 357, Middlebourne, WV 26149 or Tracy Smith, 116 Stealey St., Middlebourne, WV 26149.

Golf scramble slated

The New Martinsville School second annual kickoff Golf Scramble is set for July 30 at Riverside Golf Course in Sardis, with a shotgun start at 7 a.m.

Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place teams with a $10, 000 hole in-one grand prize. The registration fee is $50 a person, or $200 for a four-player team.

Early Bird registration by July 20 will be $45 a player or $180 per team. Golfers will be provided courtesy drinks and food throughout the outing. An awards dinner, catered by Quinets Court Restaurant, will follow the scramble.

Come out and support the New Martinsville School Junior High Football Program. To register please contact coaches Dave Brill at 304-455-3765 or Bryan Hostetler at 304-266-8782. Proceeds from the scramble will benefit the New Martinsville Junior High Football program.

Golf team to practice

The Tyler Consolidated High School Golf Team will begin practices at the Sistersville Country Club on Monday, Aug. 1, at 8 a.m. Any boy or girl in grades 9-12 at TCHS interested in trying out for the team should plan to attend.

If the student has not previously signed up with Coach Griffith, he or she should contact the coach at the number listed below as soon as possible, since the first match will be August 2.

All students trying out for the team must bring a proof-of-insurance form and a completed physical form, signed on both front and back. Players who have not yet gotten a physical, can pick up a form at the office at the high school. No student without a completed physical form will be permitted to practice.

Students who have not previously been members of the golf team must also bring a photocopy of their birth certificate to the first practice.

Players are expected to be dressed appropriately for the country club. No cut-off shorts, swim-suit type shorts, tank-tops or camouflage apparel is permitted. Golf shoes are not required.

Potential players are expected to be familiar with the USGA Rules of Golf. A rules quiz will be given the first week of the season.

If you have any questions about the golf team or practice, you can call coach Joe Griffith at 304-652-5191.

Softball tournament will benefit Pratt

A Softball Benefit Tournament will be held at Indian Creek Southern Baptist Church in Blue, WV on Saturday, July 30 starting at 8 a.m. for Sgt. Dean Pratt to help in his fight against cancer.

There will be refreshments available at a concession stand. Bring your own lawn chair.

To sign up for the Tournament, players must be 18 years and older. Each team will pay a fee of $125. For more information, please contact Randy Lancaster at 304-758-0083 or Doug Long at 304-58-2203 or call ICSBC at 304-758-5014. Thank you for any help or donations for Mr. Pratt.

Girls’ soccer practice begins in Tyler

The 2011-2012 girls soccer team will begin practicing on Monday, Aug. 1 at the field at old Tyler high school. Practice will run from 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Athletes will need the following:

– a completed physical form signed on both front and back

– soccer cleats

– shin guards (NOCSAE tag must be attached)

– appropriate practice clothing

– 2.0 GPA required to play

For more information, call Head Coach Cliff Warner at 304-758-4722.

Silver Knights soccer practice is scheduled

The 2011-2012 boys soccer team will practice on Monday, Aug. 1 at the field at old Tyler high school from 8:30-11 a.m.

Athletes will need to bring a completed physical form signed on both front and back; soccer cleats; shin guards (NOCSAE tag must be attached); and appropriate practice clothing

They must also have a 2.0 GPA to play

Practie is open to all eligible Tyler Consolidated boys.

Golf tournament set, hole sponsors sought

The Sistersville General Hospital Foundation’s annual benefit golf scramble will be held Sept. 22 at the Sistersville Country Club.

Registration will begin at 9 a.m., with a shotgun start at 10 a.m.

This is the major fundraiser for the Foundation. Yet this event would not be possible without the generosity and support of not only the local community, but all who believe in SGH and its importance to people who otherwise would be lacking in healthcare.

SGH is in need of 18 hole sponsorships ($150), hole prizes door prizes and general sponsorships.

For information, contact Diana Rice at 304-447-2454 or at drice@sistersvillegeneral.com.