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Tournament benefits fund

By Staff | Jul 20, 2011

The winning team of the VFW Scholarship Golf Tournament receives the championship trophy. Pictured are Nate Anderson, Terry Shutler, Tim Raper, Rob Amos and Post Commander Fred Clayton.

The Annual Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6327 Scholarship Golf Tournament was held on a brilliant sunny morning at the Sistersville Country Club and the golf was just as brilliant for many of the participants.

The tournament is held each year to raise money for the VFW scholarship fund. The fund is managed by the Paden City Foundation and makes awards to graduating seniors from Tyler Consolidated, Paden City and Magnolia High Schools.

The awards are $1,000 for each recipient from each school. To date, the scholarship fund has awarded over $30,000 to area students.

The winning team was sponsored by Convenient Food Mart of Paden City. Winner golfers included Terry Shutler, Rob Amos, Nate Anderson and Tim Raper. Tournament director was Bill Shreves. Bill and the tournament committee secured sponsors for each hole and each team had its own sponsor. Golfers enjoyed a steak lunch after finishing 18 holes of golf. At the conclusion of the luncheon, awards were handed out and the trophy was presented to the winning team by VFW Post Commander, Fred Clayton.