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Knights Golf Teams to Host Fundraiser Tournament

By Staff | Jul 10, 2024

The Tyler Consolidated Knights Golf Teams will sponsor their annual fundraising tournament on Saturday August 3, 2024, at the Sistersville Country Club.

The tournament will be scramble format, with a 9:00 a.m. shotgun start. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. Cash Prizes will be awarded in flights, and food will be provided. Entry fees will be $200/team ($50/player). Hole sponsorships will be $50, and mulligans and skins will be available.

There will also be a nice selection of raffle Items available.

Anyone who would like to enter a team, or be a Hole Sponsor, please contact Amanda Nichols at 304-771-3072. If you would like to play, but do not have a complete team of four players, please let Amanda know this and she will attempt to find a team for you to join.

Donations to the team will gladly be accepted in any dollar amount, and checks can be made payable to “TCHS Golf.” Donations of raffle items will be greatly appreciated, too. Contact Amanda Nichols at the above number.

Coach Joe Griffith noted how popular the golf teams have become recently: “Last year we had 23 golfers between the high school and middle school teams, and that was the most golfers we have ever had at Tyler Consolidated. This year, we already have 28 golfers signed up! So we really appreciate any and all support for our teams through entries, donations, hole sponsorships, and raffle item donations. Thank you for supporting the TCHS/TCMS Knights Golf Teams!”