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TC Archers Compete at State Tournament

By Staff | Apr 17, 2024

TCHS Archery Team was represented by Jonathan Throckmorton and Briar Utt at the 19th Annual WVDNR Archery in the Schools State Tournament in Charleston. Both archers put up solid numbers with Jon shooting a 281 placing him 18th out of 88 High School Boys and Briar shot a 280 placing him 21st out of 88 High School Boys. Jon had 12-10’s, 17-9’s and 1-8…so he left the yellow, which is the two center rings, 1 time. Briar shot 13-10’s, 14-9’s and 3-8’s meaning he only left the center ring 3 times. They both were aggravated by these hiccups but that’s some pretty tight shooting in front of a couple hundred people. We are all very proud of them and proud of the efforts of our entire team this season.

By far the best we’ve ever had and we are expecting to see some high scores among the entire team next season. If you have a high schooler who might be interested in trying archery, please reach out to one of our coaches and we’ll be sure they get information on signups. Also, if you’re wondering if there could be a middle school or elementary school (4th & 5th grades) team the answer is yes but we’ll need some coaching volunteers to get certified through NASP. If you’re interested in this, reach out to one of the coaches and we’ll get you in contact with the right people.

Our 2023-2024 archery season has come to a close and we celebrated with the archers and their families. We had a wonderful meal together and enjoyed each other’s company, played cornhole & shot bows! The coaches presented awards to the top 3 male and female shooters among our team. The top 3 males which are Briar Utt 1st, Jon Throckmorton 2nd, and Gunner Weekley 3rd and our top 3 females which are Lily Thompson 1st, Nikki Stoller 2nd and MacKenzie Henthorn 3rd! Also awarded was Brooks Broomfield for being the most improved. Congratulations to all of you for your hard work this season!! We also presented gifts to our only senior, Sarah Sams! We wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors!! We went live on Facebook to draw the winner of the cooler raffle; however, the internet did not cooperate and it did not post. Una Henderson was the lucky winner and she was thrilled!! Thank you to everyone that supported our Knight archers this season!!