Press Box
Summer sports season has officially started. Several local golf tournaments have already taken place and several more are in the works. Summer volleyball camps are heating up the gyms, and practice sessions are underway for most basketball, and football workouts.
This is the time of year to work on your individual skills and improve your game. If you plan on playing on a team during the 2022-23 school year, get with the program and start playing. Make sure to get a physical if needed. Physicals are offered at EZ Care in New Martinsville until July 13 for $10. Make sure to take the WVSSAC physical form with you to get filled out. Call your school for more information.
Magnolia had a good turnout for a mini volleyball camp recently with Wheeling University players led by Mady Winters helping teach the game to Magnolia girls.
Tyler Consolidated had the annual Putzulu VolleyballTournament on Saturday with 14 teams taking part. This is one of the finest summer tournaments in the area and a lot of action happens. The Silver Knights Volleyball team hosts the event each year. Coaches Richard and Tracy Summers spend the whole day in the gym. It starts at 9 am and usually finishes around 9 pm.
Volleyball camp at Tyler Consolidated is also coming up in July. It’s for boys and girls entering grades 3-8 this fall. The camp will run July 25-28 from 12:30 to 3:00 each day. Itás a top notch camp run by Tusculum University. Camp forms are available at Tyler Consolidated Middle/High School, and Sistersville Elementary School. Forms must be completed and returned with a check by July 20 to guarantee a camp t-shirt.
The Little League baseball fields are really getting a workout, as most every night they have games going on. Paden City’s fields all look nice with the grass mowed inside and outside the fence. They had good crowds in the park for games the past couple weeks. New Martinsville’s Bruce park field is busy nearly everynight and on weekends and is also in fine shape. Nathan Hassig fields in Brooklyn held softball and baseball tournaments this past week, sponsored by the New Martinsville Junior Sports League. A lot of hard work goes into keeping the fields nice for the younger kids to play on, and without all the volunteer help it wouldn’t happen. Keep that in mind, when you see the coaches out there coaching, there’s a good chance they have also been working on the fields and helping out getting the concession stands running. They deserve a lot of credit for all the volunteer time they spend to help the kids learn the game and have a nice place to practice and play.
The Ohio Valley Athletic Conference will be inducting new members into the Hall of Fame soon and we have a few from the local area who will be honored. Magnolia Coaching great, Dave Cisar, Ex-Sistersville and current Tyler Consolidated’s volleyball coach Richard Summers, and Paden City’s Henry Healy are on the list. This will be a great event for locals to attend.
The basketball court at Bruce Park is sure a busy place in the evenings. Lots of guys playing nearly every night. I see where there is going to be a CO-ED softball tournament in New Martinsville on July 2, contact number to register a team is 304-830-6139.
The New Martinsville Vintage Regatta is set to kick off on July 9 and 10, the Regatta committee is working hard to have their biggest and best Regatta yet. Come out and enjoy a weekend of great racing along the River front in downtown New Martinsville.
Much more is planned locally for summer activities. Coming up soon will be the backhome festival, lets hope for good weather as the event will bring large crowds into the community. Get out and enjoy yourself as the summer season brings fairs, festivals, and celebrations nearly every week.