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Muzzleloader season opens Dec. 12

By Staff | Dec 7, 2011

The traditional muzzleloader deer hunting season opens Dec. 12 and runs through Dec. 17 in all West Virginia counties open to buck firearm hunting.

A deer of either sex may be taken in counties or parts thereof that are open to antlerless deer hunting. As a reminder, hunters may take no more than three antlered deer per calendar year in all archery, muzzleloader and firearms seasons combined.

During the muzzleloader deer season, Class RM and Class RRM stamps may be used to take one additional deer of either sex in 22 counties or portions of counties that have an antlerless deer bag limit of two or more.

In those counties or portions of counties with a bag limit of one antlerless deer, or in counties closed to antlerless deer season, or on selected wildlife management areas and other public lands, only one additional antlered deer may be taken.

Resident hunters may purchase one Class RM stamp and nonresident hunters may purchase one Class RRM stamp to take an additional deer during the muzzleloader season.

Class RM and RRM stamps must be purchased prior to Dec. 12, the opening day of the muzzleloader season. Resident landowners or their resident children or resident parents hunting on their own property are not required to purchase the additional stamps.

A bow or crossbow cannot be substituted for a muzzleloader during the muzzleloader season.

Concurrent archery hunting is legal during the muzzleloader season subject to all archery deer hunting regulations, except that archery hunters must wear at least 400 square inches of blaze orange as an outer garment.

For more information concerning the deer muzzleloader season, consult the 2011-2012 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Summary available at all DNR offices and license agents or visit the DNR Web site at www.wvdnr.gov.