Tyler Star News,This is Janice Childers, Parkersburg Area Coordinator with Samaritan's Purse project, Operation ChristmasChild. I am reaching out with some information about our upcoming county-wide effort to collect shoeboxgifts for children in need around the world.On November 13, ...
Dear Editor,West Virginia imposes a tax on business inventory and equipment. This tax is a real impediment to attracting or expanding new business. A legislative committee is considering eliminating this tax. Few if any other states have a tax that has a negative impact on business development. ...
Dear Editor,The Tyler county Community Resources, Inc (CRI) would like to re-introduce ourselves to its operations in empowering families and strengthening the community by providing leadership, education, resources and opportunities that assist in improving the quality of life.CRI is a ...
Editor, Tyler Star News:For not one penny of additional taxes, West Virginian's can choose on October 7, 2017 to immediately have better roads and more jobs!On Saturday, October 7th, state voters can help repair and improve our state roads while providing a greatly needed boost to the West ...
Editor, Tyler Star News:I would like to say that the children at the Oil and Gas Festival along with children the Marble Festival all behaved amazingly. They took excellent care of all games and material and they displayed wonderful manners. It is a real treat to be able to give these kids ...
Editor, Tyler Star News:In response to last week's letter from John S. Starkey of New Martinsville, I would like to provide the following information.While I admit that the projects that Mr. Starkey cites are not on the list, there are four major improvements on WV-2 that are very important to ...
To the Editor,To all voters of Tyler and Wetzel Counties I urge all voters to join me and vote against the bond issue to be voted on in October 2017.Probably the two worst sections of WV Route 2 is in these two counties. Consider New Martinsville with nine traffic signals and a railroad ...
To the Editor,I am writing concerning Buck Run Road and Oil Ridge Road into Paden City. At this time Large Rover Pipeline Dump Trucks and larger are travelling our road.It is unsafe in many places to meet them due to overgrown weeds along the roadside. i met one the other day and literally ...
To the Editor,As a member of the Republican State Executive Committee, I feel compelled to write this letter endorsing the road bond issue which will be voted upon October 7th.I do this in spite of the fact that the State Executive Committee recently voted against this issue at their meeting in ...
To the EditorThe Paden City Labor Day Committee would like to thank the following contributors for their continued support of our Annual Labor Day Celebration: Gold, Khourey & Turak; B.B. Smith; Marshall, Wetzel, Tyler Labor Council; Electrical Workers 141; United Mine Workers Local ...