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Letter To Editor

By Staff | Oct 4, 2023

I would like to thank all the businesses that donated to help pay for the bands for the Paden City Music in the Park. Boat Side Deliveries, Auto Related George McDonald, Bayer Heritage Federal Credit Union, Jarvis Funeral Home, Paden City Development Authority, and the Wetzel County Commission. I also want to thank Wal-Mart (Gift Card), Reisbecks (Gift Card), Go Mart (Water), Pepsi Co. (Pop), my wife Doris Trader for advertizing and putting up with me, Amanda Trader for the advertizing Flyers, Sheri Johnson and Matthew Trader for helping with each band night with food and everything, Linda Tyler, Diane and Jessica for making up the sign each week to put on Rt. 2, and Miranda Trader and Shelia for making out checks for bands. If I have forgotten anyone, I am very sorry. I appreceiate each and everone of you and all the help I get. Thanks goes out to all of you. The saying I have always heard growing up. As long as I am above the Daisies, I will see you next year. Thank You, God Bless.

Thomas E. Trader, Sr. and the Paden City Park and Pool Commission.