Dear Editor: Aloha!
Tyler County 4-H will be exploring Hawaii when they head to camp this summer. Camp is scheduled for June 4-7, 2023. But, camp can’t happen without volunteers!
Tyler County 4-H relies on volunteers willing to share their time and talents with our 4-H youth at camp. At this point in time, we need volunteers to step forward and be cabin counselors, teach class and/or assist with camp. We really must have enthusiastic volunteers willing to step forward and serve.
Our Camp Staff application can be found at and we need volunteers to register by April 15th in order to finalize our camp classes and schedule.
If you are willing to become a WVU vetted volunteer, attend mandatory camp staff training and serve the youth of Tyler County, please call 304-758-2101 or visit
Camp is June 4-7, 2023. 4-H Mau Loa (4-H Forever)
Tyler County 4-H WVU Extension
Julie Bolin, Extension Instructor