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From Deloris T. Placer

By Staff | Apr 9, 2014

Many thanks to Ann Doig for stepping forward to complete the unexpired term for Mayor left by Mayor Fox.

For only a short time and under stressful conditions Annie continued to handle the job in a very professional manner until a new Mayor was elected. She is a Great Lady.

Our love for you Annie is bountiful and you will always be our “Mayor Annie”.

Deloris T. Placer


From Deloris T. Placer

By Staff | Apr 9, 2014

Kudos to Beri Jean for her clean and professional campaign for Mayor with not one negative word against her opponent.

This positive approach in life and her vision for the future of her hometown not only reflected her capability for the job but, her true character as a Lady.

I only hope our council meetings open with prayer to Honor and Respect Our Heavenly Father and call upon the Holy Spirit for Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge to make good decisions.

Let us all step forward to support our newly elected officials and make Sistersville a community of love through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Deloris T. Placer
