From Chris Hoke
Dear Editor:
Recently, my husband and I took an AARP Safe Driving Course at the Tyler County Senior Center to help reduce our auto insurance rates. However, I was amazed at all the new information and tips about driving I learned even after 40 some years behind the wheel. I would highly recommend this class to anyone, from 20 to 80 or any age in between. It isn’t just for us grey haired seniors.
The instructors, Sally and Richard, volunteer their time and bring a wealth of information and experience to the class. They also draw upon the experience of participants that adds to and reinforces the safe practices they teach.
Whether you take the AARP safe driving course, or one offered by another organization, I suggest the time and money are well worthwhile. The information may well save your life or someone else or minimize injuries. So check into a class and sign up now. Just do it!
Chris Hoke