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from American Legion Auxiliary

By Staff | Aug 8, 2012

Dear Editor:

The Tyler County Unit 48 American Legion Auxiliary is asking for new members. If I may I would like to tell you about the American Legion Auxiliary.

We established in 1919. The first year enrollment of 121,000 to approximately 500,000 at the beginning of World War II. What was the purposes? Rehabilitation of veterans, children and youth activies, serving the local community, disaster relief activities, and peace and security.

The mission of thr American Legion Auxiliary is to serve veteran, their families and thie communities.

Please, we need all of you who are eligible for membership to come join us, no matter what town, what state we need you!!

And say thank you to a veteran every day.

If you would like to see if you are eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary, please contact Dee Underwood at 304-771-5186 or Lori Lasure at 304-904-8532. We are starting an Auxiliary Unit in Middlebourne. it is called Tyler County Unit 48. There is no Post home but we can still work and do things for our Veterans, because after all that is what we are all about.

Thank You !

Lori Lasure

4th District President

Dee Underwood

4th District 1st Vice