From Paul Klear
To the Editor:
The Tyler County News articles about “The Tyler County Civil War Monument” has been read as far away as Washington State, where I’ve lived for 39 years. I want to thank Bob Tippins for his work in making this monument possible.
I think that it’s sad that so few monuments honor our soldiers who fought and died to keep our country Free.
We all cherish our freedom but far fewer honor those who served to keep it that way.
The Tyler County Civil War Soldier’s Monument currently planned is a good way to honor those soldiers.
I found out that my Civil War ancestor’s name was already sponsored by donations from other family members. I asked, and I found out that a great many soldier’s names are still not sponsored. Each soldier’s name and the military company or regiment they fought with costs about $100 to be inscribed on the monument. If funding is not found a few or many of these names may be dropped and that would be very sad indeed.
The Tyler County Civil War Monument will be paid for by private donations. The donation my wife and I made will ensure two more soldiers names.
There are many more soldiers names awaiting funding.
Any donation amount is welcome, but many more donations are desperately needed.
Please help honor these soldiers by donating what ever you can to the Civil War Memorial Fund in care of Bob Tippins 304-652-1557.
Paul Klear
432 S. Quincy St.