Curtis speaks to a thief
Dear Editor:
I recently had a small theft from my yard and I would like to report it as such:
Ode, to a thief,
I went to put my garbage out,
Alas! There was no can.
I looked around and all about
Again, again and again!
Now, who would steal a garbage can?
I pondered in disbelief.
Was it the wind, a needy man
Or just a common thief?
If it were a gentle wind,
The can would not be far.
And a fierce wind could not send
It through all my bramble and briar.
If it were a needy man,
You did not have to steal.
I would have given you the can
Even a hearty meal.
If you were a common thief,
Please do not steal again.
For if you do – ’tis my belief
You will end up in the can.
Janice Curtis