Day thanks the community
To the Editor,
I’d like to thank the Red Cross and Walmart for donating the one full skid of bottled water to the neighborhoods of E. Street, McKinley, Hill Street, and the Thaw Edition in Sistersville Friday, Sept. 11.
These residents were without water for most of Thursday and Friday.
On Thursday, the residents were able to use water from the fire hydrant on E. Street to flush toilets. On Friday, we didn’t have that while the city employees worked round the clock to fix the problems that they were having with the water.
Jamie and Jeremy Weekley and her three children called the Red Cross and enlisted the help of Diane Day, Larry Day and Mike Yost to pick up and deliver water to the neighborhoods. Diane also bought drinking water for some of her neighbors on Thursday because we had no idea just how long we’d be without water.
Thanks Everybody,
Brandy Day and the residents of E. Street, Mckinley Street, Hill Street and the Thaw Edition, Sistersville