Carse responds to Tyler Alive
Dear Editor,
This is in response to the Tyler Alive article in Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2009 Newspaper.
I agree with the fact that numerous scouts serve our community with various tasks to earn badges and the fact that a lot of these badges they have been earned go unnoticed.
Several years ago a scout troop may have cleaned the Stealey Cemetery located behind the old high school in Middlebourne. However, this past summer we have actually had a 22 year old man from the Wick area that has taken his time and money to clean the cemetery of tall grass and overgrown trees/bushes.
He did not ask for much in return, just a sign that says “No Loitering” because of all the trash he also collected at the time. It takes a lot for someone at this age to take on a project this size and not ask for anything in return, like gas for the trimmer or mower or even some kind of payment in return for his work.
Like I said, he asked for just a small token in return, the sign. I have talked to various people in the area, praising this young man, but no one has offered anything in return. So, if you would like to help to show this young man that we do appreciate what he has done and get a sign made that says “Stealey Cemetery, No Loitering”.
Please send it to the “Stealey Cemetery Fund, c/o Tyler County Heritage and Historical Society, P. O. Box 317, Middlebourne, WV 26149”.
Thank you,
Dorene Carse