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Fox says ‘Thank You’

By Staff | Jun 10, 2009

Dear Editor,

This past weekend Sistersville Community Theater performed the children’s play “Holka Polka” written by D.M. Bocaz – Larson. It was a wonderful experience and a blessing to work with such a fabulous and talented cast. These group of kids are truly stars. It was amazing to see how each of them lit of the stage with there presence and spirit.

I give another round of applause to Samantha Frum, Belle Camerlin, Spencer Kinnard, Sydney Yoho, Brittany Weekley, Macy Long, Jasmine Kyle, Devann McCoy, Ali Cooper, Morgan Fox, Katy Eastham, Sean Camerlin, Josie Fox, Whitney Williams, Hannah Morris, Mira Eller, David Fox, Davon Henderson, Caroline Bantug and Cade Myers.

I hope they all know how special they are to me. Each one of them will succeed in whatever they set their hearts and minds to do. I pray they continue to expand their imaginations in all areas and continue to do good works which God has already prepared in advance for them to do.

I also thank all the parents and grandparents for all their support for the creative arts here in Sistersville and for helping with costumes. Special thanks to Diana Mace, Beth Henderson, Ramona Williamson, Jackie Long, Martha Bantug, Pat Morris, Deb Martie, Chris and Kari Camerlin. A big thanks to Sistersville Elementary and Paden City Elementary, especially Robin Daquilante, Marsha Riffle, Kelly Williams, Linda Yoho, Barb Lovell, Heather Weekley and Sabrina Kyle.

The cast and I would like to dedicate our performances to the late Gretta LaRue and family.

With love,

Lisa Fox