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Click questions ‘big government’

By Staff | Mar 4, 2009

Dear Editor,

Following President Obama’s joint address to Congress and the release of his first budget, one thing is clear: the era of big government is back.

That is what House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio said in response to Mr. Obama’s announcement of massive expansions of government into the private sector, health care, education and energy policy – along with almost $3 trillion in new taxes.

Keep in mind taxes takes away jobsand taxes takes food from the tables of our families.

For President Obama, government is the answer to the problems that face our society. Government will spend its way out of the recession.

Government will be our lender, with the largest effort ever to help provide auto loans, college loans, and small business loans.

Government will save our planet from the ravages of climate change. Government will educate our children from the day they are born (yes, he actually said that his goal is that the government will ensure complete and competitive education beginning at birth!).

I agree with Tom Minnery Senior Vice President, Government & Public Policy of the Focus on the Family Action: “This is the greatest attack on our families in our lifetimes.”

Government. Government. Government.

And why is this bad for your family?

Because while God has given authority to government, He also has given authority to the individual, the family and the church.

When government expands its power into the realms of the individual, the family and the church, government makes more and more personal decisions for you.

Groups such as the Focus on the Family Action are fighting back. Last week, they discovered that Congress was going to strip the pro-life “riders” out of the appropriations bill, so they sounded the alarm and more than 170,000 citizens responded.

Well we just won round one of this battle, but that fight isn’t over yet, and many more are just beginning. That’s why we must stay vigilant.

God help our families against this new onslaught of big government?

Right now, we face the greatest attack on our families in our lifetimes. Our new President wants to educate our children from the day they are born and is on track to double government spending in just two years! We simply must stand for the God-appointed authority of families to raise and nurture our children.

We must not yield our authority to the expanding big government. Write to your Congressmen and United States Senators and tell them so.


Alice Click

Mt. Alto, W.Va.