Moffitt commends youth league
Dear Editor,
I just want to say the Middlebourne Youth League Basketball season has been fun. I am so proud of the parents in our community that give of their time so freely to coach the children and guide them. It’s hard to sit and watch your team lose, but there has to be a winner and a loser in every game.
When they lose, I tell my grandson Logan to keep his head up, play harder in the next game and listen to your coach.
Watching the children improve so much from year to year has been wonderful. It’s been so nice to watch these boys grow into a fine group of men. The basketball tournaments were very organized. Special thanks to Randy and Pam Lancaster for all they do for the children. Our thanks also go out to all the other coaches.
They really do a great job. I appreciate them and look forward to seeing everyone for baseball season.
Margaret Moffitt