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Friendly Ways & Byways

By Susan Stoneking - | Jul 24, 2024

FRIENDSHIP? What is friendship?

Friendship is defined as “a relationship of mutual affections between two people.

While this sounds totally simple on the surface , friendship can be complicated. While true friendship is rare and it is something to be treasured. And valued. Fake friends can be very toxic.

Women are pretty good at friendships. Friends are very important to most women, However, friendships come in layers. Most women have a lot of acquaintances. Those are people you greet and with whom you exchange small talk. Most women have several casual friendships. Those are people with whom you might chat on specific topics such as your job, a favorite book or for me my grandkids.

Most women are blessed to have one or two really good friends. These are the friends with whom you can share the depths of your soul- the good and the bad. These are the friends who truly care how you are doing and want to share your joys and hold your hand through the sorrows.. Those friends are rock solid and are there for you……

True friends are a gift from God, so if you have one or two, then celebrate. If you are a friend to someone else….. Celebrate too.

So, what is a friend? A friend is someone you called after sliding over a hill. A friend who was there after getting a call. A friend is someone who is there to make sure you are ok.

A friend is someone you give shelter to and care about.

I picked this subject from friends from a book off my dresser to read again and it is very special. You see, my dear friend Janet Johnson gave this book to me because she knew I was friends with her sister Karen. So in memory of Karen she gave me a book and a picture. I will cherish the book and picture forever. As I picked that book up I knew friendship was the topic.

I have had good friends and I Thank God for the good memories that I have .

My Get -Well Prayers are sent to…. Jayden Pratt, Dutton Chickick, , Axl Hayes, , Rachel Johnston, Judy Light, Lorretta Underwood, Pam Stanley, Gail Howard, Carolyn Boston, Marsha Rowley, Dean Ash, Norma Eckard, Angel Stout’s father, Sue and John Pribble, Frank and Patty Trader, Jim And Deloros Batson, Carol and Randy Stout, Ken and Linda Stead, Bob Kendle, Debbie Martin, Willie Spencer, Don and Kitty Smith, Landis Spencer, Doris Haught, Sharon Bowen, Tom Carson, Joel Davis, Dorothy McPeek, Darla Steele, Brian Morgan, Terry Starkey, Sharon LeMasters, Bill Williamson, Naomi Keith, Robyn Jones, Pat Eddy, Donna Johnson, Tom Martin, Hazel Morris,

Chuck Price, Donna Scott, Jerry Stoneking, Victor Williamson, Bob Boston, Larry Hayes, Kim Binegar, Jackie Talhammer, Pete Hagee, Willow Gay, Wesley Wayne, Ethel Goff Irene Boop, Ilene Scharbrough, Robbin Stuttler, Patty Smith, Bonnie Doty. Shirley Wilkinson, Terry Cooper, Fred and Virginia Busch, Frances Wilkinson, Bill Hamilton, Helen and Denny Reed, Phyllis Wilkinson, Richard and Paula Carroll, Gary and Karen Lancaster, Thelma Christopher, Joyce Eddy, Matt Hammell, Dorothy Locket, Michelle Burkardt, Holly Hubbard, Jill Sammons, Logan Kehrer, Lynn VanCamp, Betty McCoy Alta Donahue, Mamie Blatt, Sue Baker, Deana Brown, Brenda Placer

My Friendly Hello is sent to Louise Slaughter

My Angel Award goes to ……..Diane and Matt Kinnard

The Thought for the week is….. Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait for the answer.

Through Jesus Christ I Am, Susan