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Remember them now

By Staff | Sep 11, 2013

There are times when we breathe deep, close our eyes, and make mental bookmarks. At such times, we are consciously scrapbooking moments of our lives that we find instrumental, worth recollection.

Then there are times when the breath is knocked out of us, our eyes are locked like spotlights, and memories are seared into our minds whether we want them or not.

Twelve years ago today became the latter for our wounded nation. Thousands perished, and thousands more would perish as a result; emergency responders braved fire, and soldiers braved fire fights; many survived, while many gave their lives; leaders rose, and leaders fell; and the United States was brought together, only to begin fractioning again over the years.

Though times may have changed, history doesn’t (or at least it shouldn’t), and neither does human nature. Even Tyler County, nestled in the hills of West Virginia, felt an extreme impact on that day, as well as the days, months, and years to follow, when many of our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, husbands, and wives joined the fight and sacrificed more than we can ever fully know.

For some of us, that day 12 years ago was a marker for half of their current lifetime. For others, they were raising children who probably weren’t old enough to remember the event as it played out. And for those working the press, it was a day that pushed all other news to the backburner.

Time is a fickle thing. We forget; we deceive ourselves; and we move on from day to day, hoping to escape particular memories.

With the current worldwide state of turmoil, it might seem that we should recollect those events so long ago and yet so fresh; while history is important, we must also make an effort to consider those who are and continue to be a part of history?our present heroes.

Despite what becomes of the situations we’re now facing, it’s vital to consider those who are still here, those who have sacrificed and still continue to sacrifice?those who have seen the sacrifices before them and march forward regardless.

Particularly in a time when our focus is so widespread, it’s important to pay tribute to those who choose to serve us now, locally. Tyler County, Sistersville in particular, recently held its very own Heroes Day celebration in honor of those who have responded and continue to respond to the needs of country, state, county, and city.

As well as serving as a reminder of past service, Heroes Day paid tribute to those who are with us now. If anything can describe America, West Virginia, and Tyler County, it is the ability to take something catastrophic and transform its influence into something positive.

The Tyler Star News and the community we cover are thankful for those who serve and protect us, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity (multiple opportunities, actually) to show our support. No matter where we stand politically, or where we end up in the end, we are truly thankful to live in an area where patriotism has not been forgotten? where it survives each day with the heartbeat of those who protect us, near and far.

Heroes Day gave us an opportunity to spend time with our heroes, one of those days when we could close our eyes, take a deep breath, and form a positive mental bookmark. No matter what happens, we should strive to remember that sense of community. Because the memories we must work to hold on to are the most vital, don’t you think?

We hope you had a happy Heroes Day, and furthermore, that you have a peaceful Patriot Day.