Update to recent Ethics Act violation
In the Aug. 21 edition of the Tyler Star News we published an editorial pointing out some West Virginia Legislative Code violations committed by Sistersville Councilman Bill Schleier at the Aug. 12 council meeting.
Specifically, he attended an executive session concerning a wage increase for his wife, Recorder Julie Schleier, and failed to publicly state he was recusing himself from a vote on the matter prior to its passage.
Bill Schleier has told the Tyler Star News that he asked City Attorney Carolyn Flannery, while the room was clearing, if he should also leave for the executive session. According to him, Flannery said he did not have to, but he couldn’t vote on the matter.
“We always try to go by the rules,” said Bill Schleier.
When questioned by the Star News, Flannery said she does not recall him asking that specific question, but it doesn’t mean that he didn’t. She remembers that Councilman Schleier understood he had to abstain from voting.
Flannery said the big legal issue at that meeting was whether Mayor David Fox could continue as mayor. That will undoubtedly be one of the main topics of discussion at the Sistersville Council meeting to be held Sept. 9, 7 p.m., at the Sistersville Fire Hall.