SMA thanks donors
The Sistersville Area Ministerial Association offers many ministries through area Christian churches working together. These congregations support a Food Pantry, utility and prescription assistance, as well as other emergency help such as lodging and transportation. Assistance is offered to anyone in need who resides in the Sistersville and Friendly area of Tyler County regardless of church affiliation.
The Pastors of the Sistersville Area Ministerial Association wish to thank the community for all of your prayers and financial support of our ministry together in the name of Jesus Christ!
FOOD PANTRY – Many thanks to First Baptist Church for housing the Ministerial Food Pantry. Food pick-up is on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. If you need food assistance contact any Pastor or the First Baptist Church by Tuesday to make arrangements for Wednesday pick-up. (See below for phone numbers.) From January – November of 2011 the Food Pantry fed 353 neighbors in need (255 adults and 98 children). From January November of 2012 we have provided food assistance to 390 hungry neighbors (310 Adults and 80 children). Thank you to all of our Volunteers and Food Donors! Your donations of time, energy and non-perishable foods make it possible to offer this assistance to the many needy families in our community. Thanks to those who contributed to the Food Pantry in November: Sistersville Church of the Nazarene, First Presbyterian Church, Andrea McCoy, Sistersville Par Mar Food Drive, Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church, Sistersville IGA Food Drive, Barb Gage, First Baptist Church, Genesis Health Care, Sonja Hizer Avon and Wesbanco of Sistersville. God bless you! .
The Applications for the Christmas Dinner IGA Food Voucher program were due by December 9th. Thus far, 27 applications have been received. Many thanks to Sistersville IGA for working with S.M.A. again this year to offer this ministry!
A Total of $ 8,445.47 has been distributed in Assistance ministries from January 3 December 10, 2012! None of this would have been possible without the generous contributions of the community. Rev. Griffith gives all glory to God. “I am so thankful for the generosity of our community. There are many who need our help right here in the Sistersville area. Jesus said, ‘The poor you will always have with you.’ Our Food Pantry continues to serve many hungry neighbors each month. We are frequently asked to assist with utility bills and to help with gas to get to Medical appointments. The requests for all types of assistance have increased greatly this year. God has always provided through the generosity of our community. It is truly a blessing! I praise God for this.”, declares Rev. Griffith.
Many thanks to all who have made financial donations to Sistersville Ministerial Association’s ministries. Donations were received this past week from: The S.M.A. Community Thanksgiving Worship service at the First Baptist Church, the Friendly Lions Club, Lloyd Gray in memory of Barbara Gray, David and Ila Kyle, the First Presbyterian Church of Sistersville Trustees, Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church including gifts from Jim and Cathy Cavezza, Carolyn Forester, Deloris Placer, Tom and Maryann Worst, Jerome Richardson and Cynthia Dennis, Rusty and Annette Wetzel, and Eric and Cynthia Peters and cash gifts. Donations were also received from David and Shelley Maxwell, the United Methodist Church of Friendly, Thomas and Donna Gilligan, Jeffery and Cecelia Sprouse, Alma Barnard, Robert and Martha Wable, the Sistersville Elks Lodge 333, Gene, Diana and Blaise Rice (Handiman Co.), United Methodist Women of Sistersville, Eleanor Winslow, the S.M.A. Advent-Christmas Community Worship Service hosted by the Sistersville First United Methodist Church including gifts from the VFW Post 6327, Charles LaRue, Colleen and Burl Folger, Kenneth and Linda Stead, Tracy and Richard Summers, Joe, Colleen, Anna and Jesse Griffith, Tom and Cynthia Carson, Patsy and Conley Wyatt, Tom and Maryann Worst, Sharon Gilmore, Anita and Duane Dober and cash gifts. Thank you SO much! God bless you all.
Donations can be dropped off at the Tyler Star News office or mailed to Sistersville Area Ministerial Association P.O. Box 64 Sistersville, WV 26175.
Sistersville Area Ministerial Association participating churches include: Sistersville First United Methodist Church 304-652-2794 Pastor – Rev. Bill Dawson; First Presbyterian Church 304-652-2634 Pastor Rev. Colleen Griffith; First Baptist Church (Food Pantry) 304-652-2443 Pastor Phil Richards; Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church 304-652-1801 Pastor Rev. Dr. Patricia Geerdes; Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church 304-652-6381 Pastor Father Jim McCafferty; Sistersville Church of the Nazarene 304-652-2307; First Christian Church 304-652-6804 Pastor Jim Willison, Sr.; Hope Fellowship Church 304-652-6201 Pastor – Bill Williamson; Friendly United Methodist Church 304-684-2353 Pastor Rev. Gene Adkins; The Sistersville Area Ministerial Association encourages you to Worship at the Church of your choice this week. May God bless you and Merry CHRISTmas!