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Partnering for a good cause

By Staff | Aug 3, 2011

TSN Receptionist Natasha Morris, Staff Writer Lisa Post and Lions Club Representative Brandon Chaddock.

The Sistersville Lion’s Club is asking the community to join them to help fill backpacks for approximately 93 students at Sistersville Elementary for the upcoming school year. The Salvation Army is supplying backpacks for these needy students and the Lion’s Club is holding a drive to fill the backpacks with necessary school supplies.

To this end, the staff of the Tyler Star News has teamed up with the ‘Lions’ in an effort to meet this goal and serve the students in our community.

The needed supplies include crayons, one subject notebooks, loose paper, glue sticks, tissues, supply holders (to keep supplies in desk), and #2 pencils.

Supplies or donations to purchase supplies can be dropped off at State Farm Insurance Office, 712 Chelsea Street, Sistersville; Tyler Star News, 720 Wells Street , Sistersville; or Sistersville General Hospital, Thrasher Center (Administration), South Wells Street, Sistersville.

Checks should be made payable to the Sistersville Lion’s Club with the notation Project Backpack in the memo line.

Supplies or donations may be dropped off through Monday, August 8.