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Nothing Left To Lose

By Staff | Feb 23, 2011

In this week’s Tyler Star News, you will find an article written by the talented Judy Light, who is perhaps better known as our sportswriter/photographer extraordinaire.

Judy turns her considerable skill with words to a more serious topic in today’s story about Alzheimer’s Disease titled “Nothing Left to Lose.” It can be found on pages 3 and 4.

In writing this piece, Judy took care care to shield the identities of those she consulted with and interviewed who had personally experienced the devastation of this disease in their own families. One of the people she spoke to was our staff writer, Lisa Post.

Lisa’s father died of Alzheimer’s in May of 1999. According to her personal story, it was a long and painful journey for her family from his diagnosis to his demise. Many things you will read about in Judy’s story happened to Lisa and her family.

If you, your family, or someone you know is struggling with the harsh realities of this devastating disease, we urge you to read this article.