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Honoring a great generation

By Staff | Sep 16, 2009

The Veterans of World War II have been hailed as the greatest generation of Americans.

Each of us has known someone from this generation and many of us have shared their memories and been touched by their stories.

Recently, Bob Tippins and Tim Doty embarked on a mission to raise money to honor the veterans of this era with a monument on the lawn of the courthouse in Middlebourne.

Currently, the site is home to monuments erected in honor of WW I, Korea and Vietnam veterans – but nothing exists to honor WW II.

The duo hopes to raise $4,000 to put toward a set of benches – one to honor veterans in the European theater of war and another to honor those who fought on the Pacific front.

Collection jars can be found in area business and donations may be sent to 116 Work Street, Sistersville, WV 26175. Checks should be made payable to the WW II Memorial Fund.

All donations are appreciated and the money goes toward a noble cause.