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Columns by Greg Kozera

Greg Kozera: Making Memories

Returning from three weeks in Florida, last Monday we were flying from Orlando to Akron-Canton airport. I had a business meeting at Marietta. It was sunny and clear. Flying over the Ohio River, snow covered Parkersburg, Marietta and Belpre were easy to spot. The Muskingum River looked frozen. ...

Greg Kozera: Start 2025 With A Win

Pre-pandemic when I had a gym membership I hated January. The place was packed with strangers working on their New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, get fit, etc. causing me had to wait for the equipment I needed for my workout. Workouts took longer. The first time it happened a friend said, ...

Greg Kozera: It’s About Time

Talking to some friends after church last weekend, one commented, “As we get older, time seems to fly by. I can’t believe 2024 is almost over.” Time is a great equalizer. We all have different talents and abilities. Some people have more money than others. We all have 24 hours in a day to ...

Greg Kozera: A Time of Hope, Really

Leadership expert, Dr. John Maxwell says; “Where there is no hope in the future there is no power in the present. Leaders are dealers in hope.” If we have hope we will continue to work toward our goals. Without hope people give up. We see this in athletics. Football scores get very lopsided ...

Greg Kozera: Avoid Insanity

Last week at the Outer Banks our family discussed relationships. One of our friends has been married four times. A comment made was, “Of course, they married the same type of person all four times.” I remarked, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing…” Lynnda, my wife, ...

Greg Kozera: Gratitude, Not Just for Thanksgiving

This week my wife, Lynnda and I are at the Outer Banks (OBX) with family. We hauled our suitcases and groceries up three floors to where the kitchen and living area of the house is. I am blessed and happy to be able to go up three flights of stairs without assistance. Five years ago, this week ...

Lessons Learned, 5-Years Later

Five years ago, I was on the field at Shawnee Park playing in the Kanawha Valley adult soccer league. Running to a moving ball, I planted my left foot, kicked the ball with my right and was down on my back. On the bench, I iced the knee I twisted. Standing up, it suddenly felt like a severe ...

Greg Kozera: All-Star Team with a Dream

It was 3 o’clock on a quiet Friday afternoon when the phone rang. It was a friend from India we are working with. He sounded desperate. (It was 12:30 AM in India) “Greg, I didn’t know who else to call. We have a client who has a contractor moving in next week to start construction. He ...

Breast Cancer Awareness, A Time For Action

October is Breast Cancer awareness month. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, in 2024, more than 360,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer. A year ago, these were just numbers until my wife, Lynnda was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. They have more meaning to me now ...

Greg Kozera: 9-11 One of America’s Finest Hours

There are events in our lives we remember clearly. I was in junior high shop class when I heard President John F. Kennedy was shot and died. I was in Chicago on a job site when the engineer, Alan, drove up and with his southern accent said, “You need to call your mama right away.” Mom told ...