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Columns by Chuck Clegg

Through the Lens: Love Is A Rose, Part 1

As Henry stood in the cold January rain, he had no comprehension of the world that surrounded him that morning. Nearby hushed voices did not register as people spoke quietly. Flowing down his face, the water droplets gave no feelings, even as they mixed with warm tears hidden by the rain’s ...

Through The Lens: Leave Sleeping Nest Alone

My first recollection of a school special event was in Central Grade School. Most of my early memories were in that large stone building which reminded me of a castle in an old Dracula movie. I had never seen his castle in real life, but I was sure it looked like the stone school ...

Through the Lens: Time in Mankind’s Imagination

Time … we cannot see or touch it, but we each share it equally. Some believe we can hurry time or slow it down. Others hope to prevent its passing. We talk of time, but cannot change it. Rich, poor, intelligent or a fool, it acts upon each of us the same. It is what we do as the human race ...

Through the Lens: Memories Glow

When I was a very young boy, I was troubled by frequent earaches. When I had a bad spell, Doctor Gordon would make a house call and give me medication to help with pain. Not sure it helped, but with time the pain went away. Near Christmas in the late 50s, I was laid up in bed with an ...

What Word Do I Use?

It is no secret that I have for many years asked, why can’t we have a school which offers the opportunities other schools in the area have. Science and math labs, where future doctors and engineers can learn the basics of their future works. Why can’t we have the best security possible to ...

Through the Lens: Do You Hear What I Hear

The title of my story gives you an idea that my words this week will be about Christmas Music. And when I ask if you hear what I hear, it is nearly impossible to answer “no” at this time of year. Every place you go the music of the season is playing. Grocery stores, elevators, even on some ...

Through The Lens: Just an Old Alley Cat

There has not been a time in Mary’s and my life that we have not had a family pet. Even when we were first married and living in New Mexico on a small military salary we made enough to share it with four legged companions. Not knowing it, I believe we felt sharing our lives with a pet was a ...

Through The Lens: A Gift This Day For You

As you read this story, I would ask that you take a moment and remember past Thanksgivings. If you are like most people you may realize the day is about family. Turkey and all the trimmings are an added bonus that we get to enjoy at the same time. Preparations are made and frozen turkeys ...

Through the Lens: Words of Remembrance for All American Veterans

America has lost millions of its fathers, sons, daughters and brothers in the protection of the American spirit of freedom. Each war since the Civil War, heroism and the tragedy of death have been preserved in words and poems. I have collected a few of those words and want to share them with ...

Through the Lens (A Veterans Story)

America has millions of veterans whose stories have gone untold and will be forgotten upon their passing. We often think of veterans as those persons that served during times of war and conflict. While many other millions served our country during times of peace. All of those citizens are ...