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Friendly Ways & Byways

By Susan Stoneking - | Oct 9, 2024

In the quietness of a rainy and still dark cool October morning In Petroleum, West Virginia, I am more awake than sleepy at this hour, but I am feeling Blessed.

I have a home, food and a bunch of LOVE right here.

You see, this all started in July when I got sick. Roger insisted I go to a doctor and I did.. One said one thing and another said something else so I ended up in the hospital for a while. Now from 2 doctors to six. # months later I am still trying to find out what is wrong. A few things and still I am not gaining strength.

While in the hospital my husband decided to drive down to see me and after our visit was on his way home when a freak accident happened. . My car was totaled and my husband almost was. Broken ribs, collar bone, hip and back , with cuts and bruises and stitches galore. He is mending slowly and it has been over 2 months since I have seen him……

Now comes the big question. Who will take care of MOM? Diane was the one who decided needed to stay with me.

As we came home, I was sad, mad, upset and questioned myself. Diane laid down on my bed beside me and said she was lucky to have me and I said luck has nothing to do with it. Is all Blessings not luck. Again I said she was wrong, not lucky but blessed that we had each other and especially me having her.

You see, she is my DOCTOR……“Hold that head up when you walk.” She is my NURSE……..“Do you need anything?”

She is my CHEF……. “How about soup and grilled cheese tonight?” She is my PHARMACIST………“Let’s make sure we are taking this pill on time.” She is my LAUNDRY LADY, MY DUSTER and my SWEEPER.

I tell her she is my MAD SCIENTIST, because she would love to find a pill for it all.

You certainly tell Diane is /was a TEACHER. She has to organize each and every detail. Red pill at noon, green pill at 1:00 etc. . She has scheduled and re-scheduled appointments. She checks to make sure meds are filled and then highlights everything just in case someone else would need to know. And YES THEY WOULD LOOK AT HER NOTES AND KNOW !!!!!!!

As I said I woke early today and she was sitting in the bedroom in the middle of her bed , with paper, pens, and highlighters. Etc. all around her. I told her she needed to be sleeping.

Now some may know or some may not know that Diane has Parkinsons. Unlike some of us , she cannot shut her brain off. She said it travels from pill to appointment and on and on. Then to dinner and whatever comes up.

Now tell me that I am lucky to have her………ABSOLUTELY NOT LUCKY BUT BLESSED.

God knew what He was doing when He looked down on Larry and me and said I could send a doctor, nurse, scientist, etc but I am giving them DIANE.

Life seems that it has not handed us a big bowl of cherries but the pits have already been removed.’

Today Diane has her 3 children and 2 precious grandkids but she has taken the time for me also.

I will forever be grateful to My God.

My Get Well Wishes and Prayers are sent toAxl Hayes, Wesssley Wayne, Dutton Chickick,Willow Gay, Roger and myself, Carol and Randy Stout, Helen and Denny Reed,Jim and Deloros Batson, Debbie, Richard and Tom Martin, Lois and Willie and Landis Spencer. Don and Kitty Smith, Fred and Virginia Busch, Lynn and Ron Sammons, Frank and Patty Trader, John and Sue Pribble, Ken and Linda Stead, Gale and Mike Grimm, Gary and Karen Lancaster, Carolyn and Bob Boston, Richard and Paula Carroll, Bill and Mona Willliamson, Lana Wise, Thelma Christopher, Naomi Jones, Robyn Jones, Donna Johnson, Pat Eddy. Sharon LeMasters, Terry Starkey, Darla Steele. Brian Morgan, Sharon Bowen. Loretta Underwood, Norma Eckard, Marsha Rowley, Jackie Talhammer, Pete Hagee, Donna Griffin, Bill Hamilton, Pam Stanley, Ethel Goff, Irene Boop. Ilene Scharbrough, , Bonnie Doty, Judy Light, Gail Howard, Kim and Donnie Binegar, Logan Kehrer, Patty Smith, Michelle Burkhardt, Dorothy Lockett, Jill Sammons, Holly Hubbard, Lynn VanCamp, Mamie Blatt, Deana Brown, Doris Haught, Larry Hayes,,Frances Wilkinson, Brenda Placer, Sue Baker, Shirley Wilkinson, Maxine Ankrom, Phyllis Wilkinson, , Matt Hammel, Mark Kinnard, Alta Donahue. Donna Scott. Betty McCoy, Jerry Stoneking, Joel Davis. Robin Stutter, Hazel Morris,

My Friendly Hello is to …….Dee Walker

My Angel Award goes to Dean Underwood

The Thought for the week is………Blame others as you would blame yourself:excuse others as you would excuse yourself.