Tyler County Sheriff’s Report
Tyler County Sheriff Dean Pratt issued the department’s monthly report for April, 2024.
The Sheriff’s office answered a total of 266 calls. The following complaints were answered: Three p11 hang ups, four alarm calls, one animal bite, nine animal complaints, three assault and battery, one ATV complaint, four auto accidents, one breaking without entering, two breaking and entering, one burglary, one deer damage, five disabled vehicles, one disturbance, one disturbance of school, two domestic violence, one domestic with weapons, 10 driving complaints, two drugs, one eviction, one fire other, four follow up investigations, two harassment/threat, one identity theft, one LE alarm, two mental hygiene, one Mental/Psych Emergency, seven MiscNotification, one Misc Notification Overdose, one Misc-Notification; Serve DVPO, one missing juvenile, one mutual aid, two officers not ans time check, eight officer out at, one paper service: mental hygiene, Four paper service, one person with weapon, six prisoner transport, one property ownership dispute, one rapid SOS call, two reckless driver, four roadway hazard, one search warrant, one serve DVPO, 34 speak to an officer, one stolen weapon/ article, three suicidal threats, two suspicious, four suspicious person, four suspicious vehicle, one tampering with auto, two theft, 89 traffic stops, three trespassing, one unattended death, four warrant service, 10 welfare check.
Tyler County Sheriff’s Office made the following arrests: three domestic battery, two battery, one possession of tobacco by underage, one failure to appear-CAPIAS, one passing in no passing zone, driving while vehicle susp/rev, one fleeing from officer; no vehicle; obstructing, two failure to appear-CAPIAS, one possession of a controlled substance, one grand larceny auto.
Tyler County Sheriff’s Office conducted 89 traffic stops with 18 citations issued: Four expired registrations, six no MVI /Expired MVI, one speeding on open country, three insurance required, one possession of a controlled substance, one failure to maintain control, one improper use of evidence, one 1st possession
Tyler County Sheriff’s Office; Bailiff 38 hours of court.
Tyler County Sheriff’s Office Monitored; eight people on Home Confinement
Tyler County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations; three criminal investigations
Tyler County Sheriff’s Office Served: 61 papers served