Public welcome to meet for bicentennial brainstorming
In anticipation of the Bicentennial of Tyler County, the Tyler County Planning Commission will hold the first of two public “kick-off/planning” gatherings as part of the commission’s regular monthly meeting Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Tyler County Senior Center in Middlebourne. Refreshments will be served.
“Every member of the Planning Commission is eager to discuss any ideas on how to get the citizens of Tyler County involved in this once-in-a-lifetime celebration,” said Commission Director Eric Peters. “It is the commission’s goal to help incorporate a bicentennial theme into every annual festival and community celebration held in the county during 2014. But, the commission needs public input and involvement to do so,” he added.
While the actual establishment of Tyler County, Virginia, dates from Dec. 6, 1814, by an act of the Virginia House of Burgesses in Richmond, Va., the planning commission hopes to organize a county-wide celebration coinciding with West Virginia Day, on June 20, 2014.
“The Planning Commission does not want to ‘run the show,’ but instead wants to help support organizations, businesses, and individuals wishing to be involved and showcase our county’s history and heritage during the bicentennial year. Showcasing the county’s bicentennial year in conjunction with the county’s established annual events can gain attention and promote Tyler County in a very positive fashion,” said Peters.
Ideas already proposed by the Planning Commission include a weekly news feature highlighting interesting historic facts, vintage photos and stories about the county, the purchase of banners, which can be displayed on community streets.
“The Planning Commission cannot do it alone. A true celebration requires the involvement of many people and organizations-not only to put together a plan and carry it out, but to enjoy and take pride in a rare opportunity for a year-long community showcase,” Peters added.
“The Commission really needs folks to come out, share their ideas, and enjoy the evening,” he added.
The Planning Commission will hold a similar gathering on Nov. 21 at the Gaslight Theater, Sistersville.