Middlebourne to renew police force
The decision to reinstate a town police presence after years without one was unanimously reached at the Oct. 7 meeting of Middlebourne Council. Middlebourne Mayor Charles Delauder said that in 2008 the town began paying funds to the Tyler County Sheriff’s Department to perform such duties, but that agreement ended in 2010.
According to Mayor Delauder, they are hoping that a part-time officer will discourage speeding through town and be able to enforce rules that are already in place. He cited a town ordinance which places a two-hour limit on parking along state Route 18 and said a new officer could issue tickets for those who exceed that time.
This part-time position of 10 hours per week would be scheduled at the convenience of the officer. Applicants are required to be certified police officers in West Virginia and applications are available at the town’s office at 100 Main St., Middlebourne. The deadline to apply is Dec. 1.
Mayor Delauder attended the Tyler County Commission meeting the following day to make the Sheriff’s Department and commissioners aware that they are looking for a donated police cruiser. Both Sheriff Bob Kendle and Commission President John Stender agreed to assist Middlebourne in finding a cruiser.
Also at the council meeting, they discussed the possibility of attaining solar lights for nighttime illumination of the entrance signs now placed at both ends of town.
Under new business, council agreed that a number of signs around town, including stop signs, were in need of replacement. They will be looking into obtaining those signs from the Department of Corrections.
Under his report, Mayor Delauder brought up a number of complaints about properties that were not being taken care of and discussed the matter with council.
Trick or Treat in Middlebourne was confirmed for Oct. 31, 6:30-7:30 p.m.