County seeks parking lot on BOE property
A new parking lot may be created at the site of the former Tyler County Board of Education office, next to the Stealey-Green Family Center in Middlebourne.
While no official approval was given at Monday’s board meeting, it appears as if the body will agree to a plan from the Tyler County Commission for the lot’s creation.
On Monday Tyler County Commissioner Pork Smith presented a proposal for the new parking area. Smith stated that with the increase of activity at the courthouse that parking is at a premium, especially on Thursdays with all the abstractors and circuit court proceedings.
He mention that Commissioner John Stender had spoken with Superintendent Robin Daquilante and Jeff Davis, financial manager and treasurer for Tyler County Schools about maybe going into an agreement or partnership to create the new parking area. Smith said that the commissioners seemed to agree that if the board would prepare the site. Because the site involved is fairly level, it should not require much preparation to get the area ready. He didn’t feel it would require much more than just knocking off the sod, then the commission would take care of the rest of the project.
He believed it would be in the best interest of both parties involved and his recommendation was for a gravel parking lot. That way it could be paved later if the need would arise.
He felt this would relieve a lot of the parking problems downtown and near the courthouse. Smith stated that the attendance at the soccer games has been pretty good and at times there has been some overflow in parking, stating it wasn’t a problem but it would be nice to have all the parking right there. It would also be better for Alumni Weekend and other events.
Board President Linda Hoover said the board had discussed this and felt it would be good for both the county and the board. She stated the board could not make a decision on it that night, but they would place it on the agenda for the next meeting on Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. Board members all seemed to agree it would be a plus.
Under communications, Curriculum Director Susan Boyles addressed the issue of home schooling. She said that under the Notification of intent to Home Instruct, the county started out with 10 families.
We are now down to eight families, as two have moved out of the area. One family has relocated to Wood County and has enrolled in the program there; they have been unable to locate the other family.
In other matters, personnel requests were approved for Brandy Glover-Frye, Tyler Consolidated High School yearbook advisor, to take selected staff members to the Marietta Comfort Inn in Marietta, Ohio, on Oct. 10 to meet with the Jostens artist to help design the yearbook cover, transportation will be by personal vehicle; Linda Duncan, TCMS guidance counselor, to take the STARS (Super Teens Achieving Regional Success) to attend the STARS Leadership meeting on Oct. 12 at the Boys and Girls Club of Parkersburg, with bus for transportation; Darlene Koerber, and Chad Snider, Tyler Consolidated Middle School Health and PE teachers, and Charlene Galluzzo, Sistersville Elementary School PE teacher, to attend the West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Convention at Glade Springs Resort on Oct. 3, 4, and 5, requesting professional leave for Oct. 3 and 4; Cassie Cockerham to use the TCHS auditorium, choir room, bathroom, and commons area for a dance recital on April 26 and 27.
The board also accepted the resignation of Lindsay Whaley, substitute teacher, countywide, effective immediately. Under employments or transfers, Rob Schupbach was employed as Social Studies Fair Coordinator, A.I. Boreman Elementary School, effective immediately.
Also, the board approved the reading of the minutes from the Sept. 16 regular meeting and the authorization for payment of bills.
The next regular meeting will be held on Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tyler County Board of Education Office located at Tyler Consolidated High School.