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Cats will be trapped in PC

By Staff | Mar 3, 2010

Paden City’s cat problems are about to be solved. No, not Paden City’s “Wildcats”, but the wild, feral, stray cats which are over running several areas of the city.

At the city council meeting on Monday night, council approved a motion to sign a contract with the AAA Animal Control company to address the problem of stray and feral cats in the city, about which council, the city building, and police department have been receiving complaints for months.

Daryl and Reynee Dawson of the AAA Animal Control Company were in attendance at the meeting to address the growing cat problem in the city and the assistance their company could provide to alleviate the majority of these problems.

For approximately $1,500 the AAA Animal Control Company will set about 80 or so individual traps within a 60-day period to trap feral and stray cats causing problems in the city for the past several months.

The traps will be set and checked at least once, and as many as two or three times a day. The majority of the trapped and caught felines will not be euthanized, but released into homes on farms where they are found useful.

Paden City residents, alarmed that their pets may be caught in one of the traps, need not fear. The AAA Company says that any cat with a collar is assumed to be owned, and will be released. Phone and contact numbers will be made available to contact the company if any resident fears that their pet has been captured.

Councilman Clyde Hochstrasser made the motion to sign a contract with the company, saying that council needs to move forward on this project. The motion was approved .

Several citizens were present at the meeting, each with requests or information for council to hear.

Cindy Slider informed council of a meeting or march she is spearheading which is planned for April 5, with more details to be disclosed at a later date.

Rodney McWilliams spoke briefly about the Cornerstone Project, a committee formed by the Paden City Foundation, Inc., to give council an update on the work undertaken, progress made, and plans for the upcoming weeks and months.

McWilliams said the Cornerstone has spent the past 12 months gathering data about the public school system in Wetzel County, in particular Paden City. Representatives of the committee have met with the county school superintendent, assistant superintendent, and treasurer, and has also met with or had conversations with members of the Wetzel County Board of Education.

“Our intention,” he said, “is to provide information to the decision makers so the Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan for Wetzel County Schools is not approved in its present state.”

As the plan stands now, it calls for the closing of Paden City High School, with the projected date of 2012.

“Much information has been gathered to contradict the notion that Wetzel County cannot support four public schools. In fact, much of the information states just the opposite.”

McWilliams went on to point out several of the contradictions to council.

“The Cornerstone group is preparing its formal presentation to be made before the Board of Education at a public hearing on the 10-year plan on March 25 at 6 p.m. at Paden City High School,” he said. “The Cornerstone is encouraging all citizens of Paden City, alumni of the school, and supporters of Paden City schools to attend the public hearing and register to speak and give your opinion on the proposed 10-year plan.”

“The Board of Education is required to hear public input on the plan before they are allowed to vote on the plan. The board can approve the plan as is, or make changes to the plan before it is submitted to the State Board of Education and the State Building Authority. According to the governing bodies in Charleston, there is time to make changes to the plan or even file for an extension to the August 2010 deadline.”

McWilliams requested that the green banners now hanging on Main Street, be moved closer to the school. He also asked that council adopt a resolution promoting April as “Pride in Paden City Schools month”.

Paden City resident Suzy Cosper told council that they need to back this project. “I think Rodney (McWilliams) needs to be recognized for everything he has done, all the time and work he has put into this project,” she said. “Everything is very structured, very well organized, and Rodney has really worked hard. It’s all to his credit.”

City Recorder Larry Shepherd, chairing the council meeting in the absence due to illness of Mayor Bill Fox, agreed. “This is absolutely important to Paden City,” he said. “This means everything to this city. The vote was very, very close the last time this came up. What this group is doing is needed.”

“Citizens need to get to the meeting. Anyone that can help with this, should help,” he said.

In other matters, Susan Wade requested parts of Main Street, to Second and Third streets be closed for the annual Paden City Labor Day Celebration Sept. 4-6.

Also discussed at the meeting was the replacement or repair of the gutters at the maintenance building, parking problems along Fourth Avenue and VanCamp Street, and the possible addition of an afternoon and midnight dispatcher.

Councilman Richard Wright reported that the Park and Pool meetings have started again and said plans were being made to make some needed maintenance and repairs, such as covers on the drains. He also said that Music in the Park would again be scheduled at the City Park this summer with an ice cream social being scheduled for July 8 and a steak fry in September.

Shepherd reported that “burning season is upon us.” And said that Chief Jim Richmond said the dates residents were allowed to burn were between March 15 and April 30.

Before the meeting ended, council woman Eileen Smittle complimented the city workers for the work they have done during the recent bad weather. “Everybody has done an excellent job,” she said. “They’ve worked so hard and I just want to thank them.”