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Karl hears cases in Circuit Court

By Staff | Dec 23, 2009

Two Middlebourne residents appeared before Judge Mark A. Karl recently to face drug charges after an unrelated incident and subsequent arrest in Pennsylvania last week.

Christopher A. Olszewki, 22, of 405 Hardman St., Middlebourne, appeared on Dec. 17. He was charged with felony possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) with intent to deliver and a felony possession of a controlled substance (heroin) with intent to deliver.

Wetzel County Prosecuting Attorney Timothy E. Haught recommended to Karl that Olszewki’s bond be revoked and that he be remanded to the North Central Regional Jail. He stated that Olszewki and co-defendants Colby Justin Acree, Jessica L. Cooper-Boor and Sheryl Baker were charged with a felony offense of possession of 60 stamps for heroin in the state of Pennsylvania while on bond for charges in West Virginia.

Haught also stated that punishment for the felony charges in Pennsylvania is up to 15 years in prison.

“What concerns me the most is that 60 stamps of heroin were found and they were on their way back to West Virginia,” said Haught.

“You are on thin ground Mr. Olszewki, I advise you to be prepared to go to jail on Dec. 30,” said Karl.

Karl said that he will take the matter under advisement and Olszewki be released on bond until Dec. 30 at 1:30 p.m., when he is to return to court.

Colby Justin Acree, 19, of 317 Main St., Middlebourne, also appeared to face two counts of conspiracy. His attorney, Kevin Neiswonger, told Karl that Acree did not have any drugs on him and that he was in the back seat when they got pulled over in Pennslyvania.

Karl said, “I am going to tell you the same thing I told Mr. Olszewki, you are on thin ground.”

Acree’s bond was continued and he is to return on Dec. 30 at 1:30 p.m.

Douglas Carson, 50, no address given, was in court as well.

Carson was charged in 2004 with failure to pay child support. At that time, he was sentenced and placed on probation for five years. However, when he failed to report while on probation, a capias warrant was issued for his arrest and he was apprehended in Florida.

Carson’s attorney, John Gainer, informed the court that they are prepared to waive a preliminary hearing. He also stated that Carson made his scheduled payments from the time he was sentenced in 2002 until March of 2003 when he suffered a stroke. The total amount he paid was $4,100.

Judge Karl ruled that he was not convinced Carson did not know he was on probation for five years instead of one and that he simply failed to obey the rules.

Carson is to return on Jan. 7 at 10 a.m.

Diana Ash, 46, of Rt. 1 Box 641, Greenwood, was charged with felony operating or attempting to operate a clandestine drug laboratory, felony possession of substances to be used as precursor to manufacture methamphetamine and felony exposure of children to methamphetamine manufacturing.

She last appeared on Nov. 23 when she entered an innocent plea.

Ash’s bond is continued and she is to return on Jan. 7 at 10 a.m.

Timothy J. Judge, 28, of 302 Tyler Highway, Sistersville, was charged with felony breaking and entering a building other than a dwelling and misdemeanor petit larceny to have allegedly occurred in July. A state response was filed.

Judge’s bond is continued and he is to return on Jan. 7 at 10 a.m.

James Franklin Regiec, 20, of Rt. 1 Box 86B, Glen Easton, W.Va., was charged with felony grand larceny, felony burglary, misdemeanor driving under influence of alcohol and any other drugs, felony fleeing from a police officer in a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, misdemeanor speeding and misdemeanor failure to obey a traffic control device to have allegedly occurred on May 16.

Regiec’s attorney, Paul Harris said his client has waived his right to a speedy trial. A trial date has been set for Feb. 10 at 1 p.m.

Brenda D. Shreves, 58, of 1093 Tyler Highway, Sistersville, was charged with two felony charges of delivery of a controlled substance and a felony charge of manufacturing a controlled substance.

Shreves’ bond was continued and she will return to court on Jan. 7 at 10 a.m.

Joshua T. Jenkins, 27, of Parkersburg, was charged with a felony count of delivery of a controlled substance and felony possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver.

His case was continued and he will return on Jan. 7 at 10 a.m.

Jessica Schoolcraft did not appear in court on Thursday although she was on the docket.

Schoolcraft, 22, of 535 Pleasant Hill Drive, Richmond, Va., was charged with a felony count of attempted breaking and entering a building other than a dwelling to have allegedly occurred on March 7.

Her attorney, David C. White, stated that she did not know she was to appear in court because she thought she was due to return in January.

Karl said he will give her the benefit of the doubt this time.

Schoolcraft’s bond was continued and she is scheduled to return on Jan. 7 at 10 a.m.