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Sistersville City Council Talks Flood Damages

By Savannah Willoughby - Staff Writer | Apr 17, 2024

On Monday, April 8, 2024, the town of Sistersville had their monthly City Council meeting. After the Pledge of Allegiance, the agenda for this meeting was approved with a minor correction to one of the items. William H. Rice was sworn in as Mayor by Recorder Megan Keller, followed by present council members being sworn in by Rice. The minutes for the March 11th and March 25th meeting were approved. The bills for the month of March totaled to $9,484.62 and the p-card bills for the month totaled to $16,791.21. Council approved the payment of the bills.

The main discussion at this meeting was the damages done by the flooding and what actions that are or will be taken to correct these issues. Jason Rice advised after the flooding last week that the water plant, the park, and the golf course were closed on April 3, 2024, in the morning due to the water. The following Friday, April 5th, 2024, after the water levels started to go down, they worked on pumping the remaining water out of those areas Saturday and Sunday. Jason said all the panels were under water and if damage was done it would be a couple weeks before they start having issues, and if they need replaced, they are $24,000 a piece. He added at least two of the pumps, one being at the golf course and one at the park were lost as they were under about forty feet of water, there is a chance they could fire back up, if not they will need either repaired or rebuilt. A question was asked how long after the flood of 2018 did it take to receive the FEMA support to reimburse for the damages done. Jason said it took around six months to receive the money, which was in the amount of around $200,000. He went on to say judging how much damage was done in 2018, he would estimate thie is roughly $100,000 in damages, as the repairs and cleanup alone for the 6 pumps will run around $60,000. In regards to the electric panels it would be around $24,000 each.

Under the “new business” on the agenda a motion was made to appoint the city recorder, Megan Keller, and Chief of Police, Rob Haught which was approved. Then more discussions were held in reference to the flood damage, specifically in the park. A representative from the Health Department informed them a thick layer of lime must be put on and around the park and playground, it must sit for twenty-four hours then be power washed and disinfected. The park had been shut down and tape had been placed around it, but it was torn down shortly after. Mayor Rice noted the park and playground is unsafe to use until it has been thoroughly cleaned. Mayor Rice further advised they have received an offer from Davis Athletics to split a large truck of mulch for use at the park for the price of $750, which they may need once it has been cleaned. Council member Heinlein inquired as to if council needed to approve this purchase, as it is needed for a spot near the baseball area and possibly some in the playground. Recorder Keller said the park and pool committee would need to take a vote on the matter. Some minor discussion was held in regard to the asbestos testing bids, council advised more information was needed for this issue and a motion was made to table the matter until the next meeting. The next item on the agenda was the approval to redirect the $5,000 from Genesis for the street paving to the park and pool, which was approved by council. Mayor Rice said he had sent the council a photo of a bid in the amount of $7,979.66 to make the repairs necessary on the roof at the old gym. Mayor Rice further advised $3,500 of that amount is solely the cost of a lift to be able to fix the issues. He is asking the council for recommendations or approval to find another contractor. After some discussion council and Mayor Rice agreed they may be able to rent a lift far cheaper, a motion was made to table the discussion until they are able to find a cheaper lift as well as see if the current contractor is willing to proceed using a lift obtained by Mayor Rice. One of the final items on the agenda under new business was in regard to the fire hydrants. Head city crew member said the PSC has implemented new rules and regulations in regard to the upkeep and flushing of fire hydrants, adding they have received the manuals on such and will need to flush them by June and again prior to the end of the year.

In the interest of old business Mayor Rice noted he and the head city crew member have been working on a schedule for the new street sweeper. There was also some discussion on potentially hiring a couple more people to help with the street sweeping as well as other necessary positions for the city crew and even for the park. Discussion was also held in regard to the cinders and other debris from the road being pushed into the storm drains from the street sweeper. Jason Rice mentioned the catch basins had just gotten cleaned last year so there should still be more than enough room for them to collect any debris.

Lastly, the questions and discussions from the public were taken. One member of the public inquired about the various committees and if the members on each committee were the same. Another member of the public inquired as to if volunteers were able to assist in the clean up for the park and if they were allowed prior to the lime being spread. Mayor Rice advised anyone is welcome to contact him or his staff to get safety gear to wear or use while cleaning up. Mayor Rice further noted the public may assist but must be cautious and if the caution tape is still up they need to get permission, or set up a time prior to entering as the park will remain closed off until the lime has been placed and things have been disinfected. The final topic brought up by the public was in regard to the drug coalition. Mayor Rice advised they have been working on getting more information on what all they are able to do when it comes to prevention and rehabilitation. Mayor Rice said Chief of Police, Rob Haught, has also been involved in the matter. They hope to eventually get a mobile unit to hold meetings and various things. Mayor Rice advised there is a Tyler County teacher that will hopefully be overseeing the drug coalition and be paid a yearly salary for doing so. They are still trying to get some more information so they can move forward and get things up and running!