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DAR Chapters holds meeting

By Staff | Jan 18, 2012

Pictured left to right, F.C.I.C. Administrator, Judi Ball and Ohio Valley Chapter DAR Members, Mary Lamp, Sally Giles and Paula Garner

The Ohio Valley Chapter met Jan. 7 at the Pleasants County Library. The meeting was brought to order by Chapter Regent Susie Rogers.

After a short business meeting, the Chapter Achievement Report was completed. Each Member submitted a list of their activities to be included in the Master Questionnaire.

The highlight of the meeting was the report by Nola Parks, stating the eight boxes shipped to U. S. Military serving at the Torkham Air Base in Afghanistan had arrived. Christmas cards, signed my Chapter Members, approximately 112 pounds of food, personal hygiene products, movies, magazines and miscellaneous items were shipped.

Sally Giles, Paula Garner and Mary Lamp took gifts of toys, stuffed animals, books, fleece blankets, and personal items, donated by Chapter Members, to the Family Crisis Intervention Center at Parkersburg, WV.

Women interested in becoming a member of the DAR, may contact Regent, Marilyn Rogers at 304-872-6267, Registrar, Lee Eddy at 304-758-4824, or any Ohio Valley DAR member.

The Ohio Valley Chapter will meet at 1 p.m. on Feb. 18 at the Pleasants County Library.