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NSDAR has successful fundraiser

By Staff | Nov 9, 2011

Ohio Valley Chapter NSDAR met at 1 p.m. on Oct. 15 at the Pleasants County Library with 13 members attending. Three guests were introduced: Misty Groth, Blye Grove and Ann Garner.

Chapter member Neoma Spratt announced the Tupperware fundraiser has raised an estimated $1,000. Part of the funds will be used by the Chapter for ongoing VA Hospital projects. A need list is being prepared of items to be shipped to deployed military.

A second fundraiser was approved for a continuing genealogy project. Genealogy/Cemetery books will be offered for sale as they are completed.

An invitation was received to attend the Col. William Lowther Chapter’s 50th Anniversary Celebration at Salem, W.Va.

Members will be collecting teddy bears, soft blankets, books and toys in addition to comfort items for the Wood County Women’s Shelter.

The book, Windows Vista for Dummies by Andy Rathbone, was donated to the Pleasants County Library.

Halloween decorations and refreshments were provided by Hostesses Nola Parks, Lee Eddy, Sara Peeler and Barbara Carl.

The November meeting will be held at 1p.m., at the Pleasants County Library.