Commission Hears New Hospital Request

Ashley Guiler Director Wetzel Tyler Health Deptarment
The Tyler County Commission held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, January 25 at 9 a.m. in the Courthouse Chambers in Middlebourne. All three Commissioners were present. The minutes of the January 11 meeting were approved. Also approved was the Fiduciary Report by County Clerk Neil A. Archer II. There were no Exonerations.
First up on the agenda was Circuit Clerk Candy Warner seeking approval for new WIFI wiring for the Courtroom. Candy explained to the commissioners that the current router and wiring are not sufficient to support the entire staff. Following a recommendation from GST for Small Town Equipment to install new wiring to provide adequate support. Commissioners approved the installation at a cost of $1,800.
The Commission unanimously approved the appointments of Republican Ballot Commissioner Tim Jackson and Democratic Ballot Commissioner Heather Seago. The Ballot Commissioners will start their terms on February 1, 2022.
Katrina Byers was on hand to introduce her replacement, Jill Ash, as Family Resource Network (FRN) Director. She also asked for permission to assist in the transition to the new director through the end of the year. The FRN requested funding for the training period and funding for the Back to School Program. Commissioner approved her request of $10,000. Mrs. Byers will stay on to help train Mrs. Ash through the end of the year. The commissioners welcomed Jill to her new position.
Katy Seago, from the Tyler Citizens Action Group, informed the commissioners that a site for the County Home Monument has been determined and would like permission to move forward with project. She shared she attended the Tyler County Board of Education meeting and was denied use of their property because board members felt the monument needed to be set on county home property. Commissioners unanimously agreed to speak with their contracted partner, the Fair Board, about the placement of the monument. The new location is on County Commission property and not on property owned by the Board of Education. Commissioners approved the new site but wanted to confirm with the Fair Board, for their approval as well.
Next was Memorial Health System’s Brandon Chaddock, Chief Administrative Officer of Sistersville General Hospital, and Dr. Dan Breece, Vice President, Physician Services and Chief Medical Officer from Memorial Health Systems. Dr. Breece presented to the commission a proposal for a replacement building of Sistersville General Hospital with a new facility on the lot across the street form the current hospital location and construction of clinics in Paden City, Middlebourne and St. Marys. Dr. Breece explained Memorial Health was aware the current1950s building needed to be replaced when it was purchased, but they are committed to community health and keeping their services local.
The total estimated cost to replace the hospital in Sistersville is roughly $30 million of which Memorial Health Systems is putting up $20 million. The hospital is asking the county and local municipalities (Sistersville, Paden City, Middlebourne, Friendly and St Marys) to participate in the funding of the new structures and is asking for 10% of allocated ARP funds to show commitment to the project. The legislature is currently in session now and expected to distribute the monies within the 60-day session. The project would require a total of $572,000 from Tyler County Commision and the municipalities of Sistersville, Paden City, Friendly, Middlebourne, and St. Marys. The Commission unanimously approved to fund 10% of the counties ARP funds to the new hospital and clinics project.
Prosecuting Attorney Luke Furbee presented the commission with the revised Levi election orders for both the EMS services and Fire services. Both orders were approved by the Commissioners.
Commissioners approved setting up grant funding for the county’s municipalities. Commission President Eric Vincent explained funding would be granted in the amounts of $50,000 for Sistersville, $40,000 for Paden City and Middlebourne and $30,000 for Friendly. The funds are to be used as assistance with special projects needed in the communities. These numbers were based on population figures. The grants for the municipalities will be re-evaluated every year, depending on the budget.
Mr. Vincent also reported that the PEIA insurance rate has been readjusted, however, the employee rates will not increase. Commissioners approved the PEIA insurance rates.
Under Public Comment, Ashley Guiler, the new Director at the Wetzel Tyler Health Department, was present to introduce herself. She stated the department was able to secure a COVID funding grant and with the funds recently added two new nurses. She also stated that health department is hoping to expand their services back into the schools in the very near future.
Following the approval to pay the bills a motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Tyler County Commission is February 8th at 9 a.m. in the Courthouse Chambers in Middlebourne.