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County To Purchase Property

By Staff | Jul 5, 2017

The Tyler County Commissioners met on Wednesday June 28 where the city had agreed to annex the city property to allow for the purchase of the old Soil and Conservation building located behind the car wash in Middlebourne. The purchase was for the amount of $202,401.90 plus 16 dollars for recorder fees and was purchased in order to move the Sheriff’s Department into the building.

Josh Fulks of Tyler County 911 reported that he received a letter from the Public Service Commission stating that effective July 1, 2017, all cellphone fees will raise from $3.00 to $3.34.

Sheriff Weigle requested permission to donate a 2009 Chevy Tahoe to the city of New Martinsville Police Department. The motor of the Tahoe needs replaced and the city of New Martinsville happens to have one.

Tom Cooper of the Tyler County Office of Emergency Management gave the commissioners a quote on the spill cleanup trailer. The quote was in the amount of 5,865 dollars. A motion passed to donate 6,000 dollars to the OEM. Cooper announced that there is a training on July 8, open to the public, for anyone wanting to be a part of Tyler County Search and Rescue. There will also be a training for human remain detecting dogs on August 19 and 20. A motion passed to add Karen Cain as a member of the Local Emergency Planning Committee.

The auditor has put into effect that every office must turn in a time sheet to the County Clerk and must be signed by the department head. Also, the pay period for courthouse employees will be different. There will be calendars handed out to those employees with time sheet information reminders.

Dave Cutright presented an EMS levy proposal to the commissioners which is intended to raise 926 thousand dollars over a four year period to support Sistersville and Middlebourne EMS. Also, the levy rate has decreased by almost 37 percent across all four classes of property. Cutright has been having trouble finding a deadline to apply for the Levy. He would also like to change the term of the levy so that it is a 4 year renewal as opposed to a five year renewal. This would coincide with the general election primary ballot which could save the county approximately 10 thousand dollars. Cutright was advised to get together with Prosecutor Luke Furbee and Assessor Jack Hayes to iron out the details of the levy.

Katrina Byers of the Tyler County Family Resource Network reminded the commissioners of the back to school fair on August 7, 2017, from 4p.m. To 7p.m. located at Tyler Consolidated High School.

All donations are welcome and there has been a grant from the Barth Trust which was enough to purchase the backpacks. This year will include the middle and elementary schools and FRN has requested a list from the schools to know what products to buy to fill the backpacks. There are also eye screenings available, dental screenings available, and hair dressers to offer haircuts.

Vice President Stender reported that 4-H camp was going on for the week. Unfortunately the Fire Marshal had come through and deemed the older boys cabin as unfit to use for camping. Tyler County OEM was gracious enough to loan a blow up tent for the older boys to use at the camp, which worked out perfectly. There have been many improvements made to the 4-H grounds and in the aftermath, there have been several weddings planned at the camp this summer. Stender also noted that he received a letter from Liz Shaw from Marietta informing him of a meeting to be held on July 18 discussing the issue of broadband and poor cellular service.

Commissioner Smith announced that Chad McKnight, who represents Tyler County’s private business sector, has announced his retirement from the Northern Panhandle Workforce Development Board. There was a motion to appoint Susan Mirand to fill that vacancy.

There was a change order for Camel Technologies to replace a monitor in the magistrate’s office which will cost 1,398 dollars for the change. The reason for the change was due to lack of space for the monitor.

There was a motion to renew the annual contract with Global Sciences which is an IT Department. It covers 2 to 3 network engineers per month for 950 dollars per month. It was expressed that it would be much more expensive to hire an IT Manager.

A motion passed to sign the insurance agreement with West Virginia Risk Pool in the amount of 788.48.

The Rt.2 & Interstate 68 Authority have requested a 3,000 dollar donation from the county commissioners. The commissioners decided to table the item until more information can be found on the topic.

Commissioner Vincent stated, “It’s been a pleasure serving with Pork.” Vincent continued, “He’s done us well in the countywe are going miss him and hope and pray that everything works out for him.”

Commissioner Smith followed with, “When I first came on board here, the county was going through some bad financial straitsright now the county is in pretty good shape. The gas as helped with that and things are going get better and better.”

There will be a special meeting held on July 3rd to announce the new commissioner. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be on July 12, 2017.